Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay On New Zealand - 1151 Words

New Zealand is located 40.9006 South, 174.8860 East. It is close to Australia and a little ways away from the tropic of Capricorn. New Zealand has many similarities culturally and socially to Australia, though some of the differences include GDP and population, which is greater in Australia. Australia also has less debt than New Zealand, with 15% of GDP being debt with 20.7% of the GDP being debt in New Zealand. New Zealand’s GDP being 4.8% agriculture, 26% industry, and 69.3% services (as of 2007) and the GDP per capita is $26,400. New Zealand is also ranked â€Å"the 54th largest export economy in the world,† as well as the 57th largest import economy (OEC - New Zealand) and their export rates increase by 2.6% every year. New Zealand†¦show more content†¦Another study shows that the amount of miscarriages goes up in certain areas fracking is used. Fracking also uses an abundant use of mystery chemicals, which we don’t know because the big companies don’t have to tell anyone, but they don’t look too innocent when they refuse to tell anybody. We also don’t kno w the long term affects on our environment, for all we know this could be the root of climate change, or maybe it is damaging the land turning fertile greenland into a deathbed for all things living. Climate change is a real problem and New Zealand’s people are contributing more than just their part. The cars they drive burn greenhouse gases, and everyone drives them. It builds up and could be damaging the beautiful scenery of New Zealand. Since Climate change is happening some signs that New Zealand have shown are ocean levels rising as well as temperature, more extreme weather which has the potential to do a devestating amount to the people who live there, and changes in weather patterns such as rain. This all has an impact on the human part of New Zealand. Extreme weather can include droughts and floods which can ruin the infrastructure of New Zealand, houses and people are the price that you pay. The physical geography in New Zealand is very diverse, with beaches, mountain ranges, farmland, and glaciers. New Zealand really does have it all. One physical feature thatShow MoreRelatedEssay On New Zealand711 Words   |  3 Pages The OECD Economic Surveys: New Zealand (2017) indicated that New Zealanders enjoy comparatively high living standards, and economic growth remains strong even compared with the highest-performing OECD countries. However, there are long-term challenges from low growth in productivity, which is well below the leading OECD countries; living standards; and social well-being. 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