Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sociology 461 (400 level) - Philosophy of Arts 1st paper Coursework

Sociology 461 (400 level) - Philosophy of Arts 1st paper - Coursework Example There are many philosophers who have tried to define what art is but in this case, the essay will explore the perspectives of Immanuel Kant and Leo Tolstoy. The essay will show that even though the two philosophers have very different approaches to art, they do agree on its universality in that it transcends contexts. First, the definition of art will be discussed followed by how the philosophers judge art and lastly, conclusion. What is art? Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) defines art as â€Å"production through freedom† (Kant 182). This means that a piece of work must be ground on reason or rational considerations. As such, productions which develop without any rational considerations for Kant cannot be regarded as art but as works of nature. For example, the bees honeycombs though they seem well designed are produced through nature and not human design or action hence cannot be regarded as art. For Kant therefore, human intellect is crucial for a piece of work to be produced and be regarded as an art. Art is therefore a skill of human beings developed through experience or after several trials hence perfection. Art is also liberal in nature according to Kant hence does not need compulsion but free spirit (p. 183). Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) on the other hand, refutes this claim by Kant of art being the product of a rational mind and emphasizes on the role of emotions. For Tolstoy, art is an activity aimed a t conveying the feelings or â€Å"means of communication among people† (Tolstoy 37). In this case, the artist is given great importance in that he or she has to arouse feelings in people. Art is therefore, a human activity whereby one man consciously conveys to others, by certain external signs (movements, lines, colours, sounds), the feelings he/she has experienced (p. 37-40). The audience thus must be infected by those feelings and experience them otherwise the piece of work would cease to be an art. For example, a poem should

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