Sunday, September 8, 2019

Government 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Government 2 - Essay Example Currently, members of this court include John Robert (chief Justice), associate justices Clarence Thomas, Stephen G. Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Samuel Alito, Anthony M. Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, John Paul Stevens and Sonia Sotomayor. Part B Born in New York, Buffalo on January 27, 1955, Chief Justice John G. Roberts took office as the chief Justice of the United States judiciary on September 29, 2005 after his nomination approval by the senate. Aged 55 then, Justice Roberts is a republican confirmed in his capacity by a Republican-lead Senate vote of 78 to 22 votes of the democrats. His views have majorly been conservative. Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr. is yet another conservative justice appointed under the Bush administration at the age of 56. Born April 1, 1950, Justice Alito has served the country in his capacity as an associate judge of the Supreme Court since January 31, 2006. Like Roberts, he was confirmed by a Republican-lead Senate vote of 58 to 42 votes of the Democrats. ... Do you think that it is important that diversity exists in terms of race, religion, gender, and the like among justices on the Supreme Court? Does this Court represent diversity, in your opinion? Explain. The political histories as well as personal ideologies of the two Supreme Court judges indicate they subscribe to the conservative ideologies of republicanism. Though related, political philosophy and judicial philosophy are strange bed fellows. On the one hand, Political philosophies concerns outcomes guided by individual thoughts of how world and the law by extension ought to operate. On the other hand, judicial philosophy is based on articulate, rational, defensible choices meant to guide decision-making and is largely fixed on the proper interpretation of the Constitution. These two justices have been strict agents of constitutionalism. Many at times, democratic presidents selected justices have turned to conservatism, and so has been Republican appointees turning liberal in the ir judgments. Though rode on republican influences, confirmations of these two justices fell short of a unanimous vote in the senate. This was simply due to the presence of dissident voices who thought they could not deliver past partisan interests. Whatever the Ideology that propelled them to their positions, judges of the Supreme Court are expected to be neutral in their judgments with strict adherence to the law to guard against going against the spirit of the constitution. Turning to the issue of diversity, Supreme Court Justices must be cognizant of how their judgments affect all Americans.  Courts are the only last resort for the marginalized seeking justice and protection from their government. Diversity of the Supreme Court must be upheld to guard again partisan judgments, either

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