Monday, September 30, 2019

Discuss the writers use of the supernatural Essay

The two stories resemble each other with the idea they communicate with the reader, that people should respect the supernatural. In the Withered Arm, Thomas Hardy develops why we should fear and respect the supernatural by showing that by mocking Gertrude about her medicines and counter curses, Farmer Lodge ended up with a dead son and a dead wife. He also ended up selling all his land because he could not endure staying in the village with everyone gossiping about him. Also by keeping the tempo of the story fast and building up to all the supernatural events keeps us tense. In the Monkey’s Paw, Sergeant Major Morris warns the White family about the consequences of the wishes the paw grants. However the White family do not take heed of the warning and take advantage of the paw and in doing so, they end up with their son dead, Mrs. White acting senselessly to try and bring back her son and Mr. White having to wish his son back to the grave. The author is trying to tell us that if you do not respect the supernatural and take advantage of it, you will feel its wrath. The two stories are alike in other ways. Both stories involve young innocent people suffering. In the Monkey’s Paw Herbert died for his family’s foolishness. Whilst in the Withered Arm it was Rhoda’s and Farmer Lodge’s son that was innocently sent to the gallows. Another similarity is that people that were selfish earlier on in the stories are punished in the end. Mr. White is self-seeking at the start of the Monkey’s Paw and does not take Sergeant Major Morris’ advice and his son dies as a result. In the Withered Arm Farmer Lodge is punished for his negligence shown to his son and his failure to accept the responsibility for his son. The consequence for this is the eventual hanging of his only son. Also both stories have ironic twists. In the Monkey’s Paw the family wishes for two hundred pounds and after the money doesn’t appear straight away, Herbert says â€Å"Well I don’t see the money, and I bet I never shall. † The wish eventually does come true and the money is handed over to the family but only as an insurance payout for Herbert’s death at the factory. So the irony is that Herbert will never actually see the money. In the Withered Arm the ironic twist is that when Gertrude was waiting for a hanging she got so desperate that she used to pray for a hanging â€Å"O Lord, hang some guilty or innocent person soon! † It turned out her prayers were answered but the man seen to be in the wrong turned out to be Farmer Lodges’ and Rhoda Brooks’ son but it seemed the boy was wrongfully charged with arson. At the hanging, Farmer Lodge and Rhoda were present in the crowd and once Gertrude had realized the hung man must be their son, she entered a sense of shock. This proved too much for her and she died. The irony is that she prayed for a man to be hung, so that she could cure herself but the man in the end was her husband’s son and this did the opposite of curing her and the shock of it all ended her life. In conclusion, the writers use the supernatural to show the reader that if you ridicule the supernatural, it will backfire on you and you will feel the consequences greatly. Also they try and make you scared of the supernatural by making the paranormal events happen to normal people. Meaning it could have been you instead.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Jazz and Poetry Essay

There are many different types of music in the world, and each one is different because of certain characteristics that help to make that genre stand apart from all the others. One of these genres is Jazz. Jazz is a type of music that was created mainly by black Americans during the early twentieth century, and is a combination of American and African tribal music. There are many different characteristics that set Jazz apart from every other kind of music, but there are three main distinctions; the first is its particular combination of rhythm, melody and harmony, second is the subtle differences that make every Jazz player almost instantly recognizable and finally is the way that Jazz players interact and react with their surroundings, they do not simply play a designated set of notes. The first characteristic that helps to make Jazz so different from other genres of music is the rhythm, melody and harmony. Not only do these apply to the music of the Jazz era though, these same rhythms can be found in some of the poetry of that time. One of the poems that demonstrates a particular rhyme is T.S. Eliot’s â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.† In this Eliot does not stick to a common rhyme scheme like some of the more simple poems. He does use end-rhyme, but it does not alternate for every line, sometimes there are two or three lines that have no rhyme between two lines that do. It is because of this unorthodox rhyme scheme that his poem relates to the seemingly random rhythms of Jazz music. Another poem that shows harmony similar to that of Jazz is â€Å"The Tropics in New York† by Claude McKay. In this he uses a simple end-rhyme scheme, and alternates with each line. But the way he has written the poem it seems to flow endlessly, not causing the mind to drift or to become confused. These are only two out of the thousands of poems that display the first characteristic of Jazz music. The next attribute of Jazz music is the subtle differences that musicians would put in that would make each player distinguishable from the next. One poet who demonstrated this quality greatly was Langston Hughes. Hughes was one of the most prolific and successful African-American poets of the 1920’s. In each one of his poems he would display his great pride for his heritage, as well as his displeasure with the oppression he witnessed. One of his poems that greatly illustrates this quality is â€Å"Refugee in America†.  In this poem he speaks of â€Å"sweet and wonderful words like Freedom†, and how he thinks about it every day. He goes on to say that there are words like Liberty that nearly make him cry. This shows his great resentment of the oppression of his race. Another one of his poems that shows his strong pride for his heritage is â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers†. In this poem Hughes illustrates how his race has been around for thousands of years and has known rivers all across the globe. By this he is stating that his race has been everywhere and will continue to last, just as the rivers of the world. But that is not the last trait that spans across both the music and literature of that era. The final Jazz characteristic which can be found in literature from that time period is the way that the musicians would flow almost randomly throughout the music, reacting to the audience, as well as their band mates, and not simply playing a single, designated set of notes. One of the first examples that comes to mind is William Carlos Williams’ â€Å"The Great Figure†. This poem seems to make almost no sense, and have no reason for being written. It is the simple story of a fire truck going through the city on a rainy day. There were not too many styles of music, or literature, which produced poems as seemingly random, yet meaningful as the Jazz era. Another example of this is by the poet Hilda Doolittle, who is actually said to be the creator of the Imagist style of poetry. In Doolittle’s poem â€Å"Heat† she speaks of a wind that is coming through to cool down the heat. She says that the fruit will not all in thick air, and that the wind will cut the fruit down in its path. Like previously stated, the combination of rhythm and melody, the ability to distinguish between Jazz musicians and the seemingly random flow of music are only three attributes of Jazz. These is an entire list of things that can be said about Jazz that sets it apart from all other genres of music. But these three characteristic go to show how the Jazz music of the early twentieth century was very similar to the poetry and literature of that era.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Determinants and Consequences of Early Marriage in Java Essay

This study analyzes the determinants and patterns of early marriage and explores its consequences on marital dissolution, work status and occupation, migration, and contraceptive use in Java, Indonesia. Data from the 1991 Demographic and Health Survey are obtained on 5816 ever married women, 15-49 years old, living on Java. Early marriage occurs among women before age 20. Subjects are grouped as residing in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Jogyakarta, and Surabaya; residing in townships and other urban areas; and residing in rural areas. Findings indicate that 70% of ever married women in Java married early. Almost 80% of women who were reared in villages married early. 81.2% who still live in rural areas married early. 20% had no formal education. 74% of Muslim women married early. 79% without work before marriage married early. Dissolution was more common among women living in rural areas. 31% of women in rural areas, 20% living in big cities, and 23% living in towns were no longer in their first marriages. Women who married early were 3 times more likely to experience dissolution than women who married later. The percentage of women whose first marriages ended was highest among women who were married the longest. The effect of marriage age on current working status and the pattern of working status between early and late marriage were not significant. 80% had ever used contraception. Women who married late were more mobile and were more likely to have a higher occupational status. Logistic findings indicate that women’s education, work status before marriage, husband’s education, and current residence were significant predictors of early marriage. Education was the strongest predictor. The probability of dissolution was highest among uneducated, early married, Muslim women living in big cities. The lowest probability was among later married women, living in small cities, and with a tertiary level of education.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Definition of Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Definition of Happiness - Essay Example Religious situations can describe happiness as the emotion felt when respective beliefs and Gods have answered prayers from different individuals. For example, believers of a certain religion can be referred to as happy after their prayers have been answered through the expected ways. Biologically, happiness can be described through the release of various hormones in the body that trigger various emotions. Biologists study happiness as a feeling that originates from various body organs. External forces such as personal and group accomplishments can also cause happiness. Additionally, individual health may contribute to levels of happiness. Research shows that individuals from healthy areas are bound to be happier than in unhealthy locations. The biological structure of various individual affects happiness rates in both the individual and surrounding beings. Economically, happiness can be described as a success in various financial sectors. For example, increase in the gross national product of different countries may instill feelings of happiness to the citizens of respective countries. The economic status of a country has effects on the happiness levels of individuals. People from poor nations may not have high levels of happiness compared to those born in developed and rich countries. The sense of belonging affects the natural levels of happiness. Individuals from rich countries are bound to have most of their responsibilities catered for; hence avoiding stress and increases the chances of happiness. It is also noticeable that employees from well-paying firms are happier and more productive than those from poorly paying and maintained organizations. It can be further mean a feeling that an individual goes through when his/her wishes or expectations are met.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Drug Abusers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Drug Abusers - Research Paper Example The abuse of drugs started from experimentations in efforts to establish their effectiveness and psychological effect. After recognizing the punitive nature of these drugs, people began to use them for other purposes other than the intended medicinal purpose. Drug abuse is a major cause of problems in public health. It has either direct or indirect effect on the health of an individual. Drug abuse and addiction have an impact on the society’s well being. Drug abuse leads to cancer, heart diseases, HIV and AIDS prevalence, and death in severe cases. All these have a direct effect on the health of the victim and the public health in general. The government directs most of its funds to the drug addicts and the victims that could otherwise have been used in other programs of that benefit the entire society (Slobodan, 2005). Drugged driving has been the cause of the thousands of accidents that occur on the roads and result in deaths of millions of people per year. Drug abusers beco me violent, hence, engage in crime acts like homicide, theft, and assaults. This can amount to their arrests or conviction over crime levels. Drug using exposes an individual to continued stress. Drug abusers can harm or misuse children leading to advanced maltreatment effects over them. Addiction has adverse effects on the health of the public and the society as well. For example, women addicts give birth to underweight babies and increase its chances to have hyperactivity disorder and child obesity. Child abuse is common on instances where the perpetrators are drug addicts. Incidences of homelessness, crime, education deterioration are common in incidences where drug abuse is common. Drug users are more likely to fail attend and work an event that translates to their... According to the study findings drug abuse is a major cause of problems in public health. It has either direct or indirect effect on the health of an individual. Drug abuse and addiction have an impact on the society’s well being. Drug abuse leads to cancer, heart diseases, HIV and AIDS prevalence, and death in severe cases. All these have a direct effect on the health of the victim and the public health in general. The government directs most of its funds to the drug addicts and the victims that could otherwise have been used in other programs of that benefit the entire society. This essay stresses that drugged driving has been the cause of the thousands of accidents that occur on the roads and result in deaths of millions of people per year. Drug abusers become violent, hence, engage in crime acts like homicide, theft, and assaults. This can amount to their arrests or conviction over crime levels. Drug using exposes an individual to continued stress. Drug abusers can harm or misuse children leading to advanced maltreatment effects over them. Addiction has adverse effects on the health of the public and the society as well. For example, women addicts give birth to underweight babies and increase its chances to have hyperactivity disorder and child obesity. Child abuse is common on instances where the perpetrators are drug addicts. Incidences of homelessness, crime, education deterioration are common in incidences where drug abuse is common. Drug users are more likely to fail attend and work an event that translates to their sacking or demotion.

Knowledge Management Foundations of IT Systems Essay

Knowledge Management Foundations of IT Systems - Essay Example In addition, this process engages bringing jointly fundamentally enhanced business procedures, technology solutions and shared e-commerce to carry-out step for change developments in operational productivity and customer service (The Knowledge Management Forum, 1996) and (Levinson, 2011). Moreover, knowledge management offers suggestions to solve various serious issues of corporate adaptation, continued existence and capability against fundamental discontinuous environmental transformation. Fundamentally, it exemplifies an organizational procedure that looks for synergistic arrangement of data and information processing capability of information technologies, and the inspired and inventive capability of human beings. However, knowledge management is more and more concerned with the practical implementation as it is not in the theoretical description though in real world implementation wherein lie the maximum opportunities and challenges. Thus, all the scenarios regarding knowledge ma nagement must be understood inside the precise context of predictable performance outcomes and value propositions that respond the issues (Brint, 2011) and (Knowledge Management Gateway, 2011). Why Knowledge Management? Knowledge management is a wide-ranging task and fundamental component of corporate activities. Perhaps at the present organizations are interested in developing their personal business knowledge management competencies, to develop into a more efficient player in the worldwide knowledge financial system, or turning into a more viable knowledge leader and knowledge ambitious organization (Knowledge Management Online, 2011). Additionally, at the present knowledge management is implemented across the globe, in all the types and industry regions, private and public organizations and humanitarian institutions as well as international charities. In this scenario, efficient knowledge management is recognized to be a very critical way of new knowledge and novel ‘ideas' to the modernism procedure, to new inventive products, services and solutions. However, knowledge management, as a way, must help organization attain organizational goals, or still go beyond their aims and objectives. In addition, the idea of knowledge management is not to immediately turn into a more knowledgeable organization, however to be capable to produce, shift and implement knowledge with the purpose of attaining objectives (Knowledge Management Online, 2011). Implementing Knowledge Management System An organization that is interest in implementing KM system they must immediately take some of or all of the below given steps of efficient knowledge management. Additionally, these steps are outlined as separate steps, as well as sequentially, however they ultimately require to be measured as inter-related mechanisms, as fraction of a holistic technique to knowledge management. In this scenario, one initial step is to rapidly assess organization or team’s directions as we ll as willingness for knowledge management. I have outline below some important steps of KM technology application for any corporation. Thus an organization must follow these steps for successful completion and achievement of the project: (Knowledge Management Online, 2011) Free KM Assessment Survey Knowledge Management Education Knowledge Management Consulting Knowledge Management Roles and Responsibilities Knowledge Management Processes, Methods and Tools Knowledge Competencies Knowledge Networks Knowledge

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Health Issues in Corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Issues in Corrections - Essay Example Studies show that most women who are admitted into the correction system are in their child-bearing years and a good number of these women are mothers who have history of gynecological problems (Fearn and Parker, 2005). In fact, a good number of these women are young mothers who have been subjected to abuse by their partners (Fearn and Parker, 2005). In most cases, women who are brought to the correction facilities are in poor health and are suffering from different types of physical and mental problems. The emergence of inequity in delivery of healthcare services to inmates coupled by the increasing number of women in incarceration and complexities of the health problems that these women often face make it difficult for the correction system to provide these women with adequate healthcare (Harrison and Beck, 2005; Marquart et. al., 2009). The fact some correction facilities now have a ballooning number of inmates and some of the inmates require special medical care put strain on the healthcare system within the correction facilities (Marquart et. al., 2009). Although the correction system has considerably improved since the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Estelle v. Gamble (1976)1, there are still a number of things that need improvement in the provision of healthcare services to inmates. ... II. Defining the Cause of the Medical Problems Faced by Prisoners There are many reasons why prisoners, especially women, face several cases of medical problems. Most inmates who are in prison suffer from a number of health issues but the most compelling reason for this situation is that most of these people who are in prison already have a history of poor health. According to Green et. al (2009), the life course perspective of both male and female inmates often involves health problems stemming from their socio-economic status and lifestyle before and during incarceration. For instance, in 1998, about 24 percent of women who were admitted to the correction system had a history of mental health and 78 percent of these women have suffered physical and mental abuse before their incarceration (Harrison and Beck, 2005). The gender specific cases of physical and mental abuse made women more vulnerable to certain types of mental conditions which often manifest when they are under stress or are confined inside a correction facility (Green et. al, 2009). Aside from the effects of gender specific abuse, health problems that are mostly associated with African-American women are also prevalent. About 37 percent of the women who are incarcerated are African-American who has history of hypertension and diabetes (Harrison and Beck, 2005). The health problems of these women can be traced back to their socio-economic status prior to their incarceration. According to Harrison and Beck (2005), about 50 percent of the women who were admitted to the correction system are mothers who have been unemployed during the month of their arrest and incarceration and out of this number,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Coursework on Budgets Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Budgets - Coursework Example Budgets are prepared in definite procedural definitions. They can be prepared for the business as a whole; they may fall under designated departments. Budgets can also be prepared for functions of the organization such as sales, production or even for the asset utilization of the organization (Hammonds, 2006). A budget can as well be prepared for the resources of the company such as financial resources and even other resource items of the organization such as cash, capital expenses, relevant purchases of the firm and not excluding labor. Work force is the most vital for any firm to run since it is that which supports production and without production there can be nothing much to brag about involvement in business (Label, 2010). Why budget? A budget is not just a tool that can be used for any mere business operations. They are not mere calculations that are simply drawn, calculated and findings just presented. They are elaborate plans hence involves a construction of a plan that is ge ared for use for a quite a longer duration and hence a tool for financial management (Gowthorpe, 2005). A business that operates without a budget is as good as dead since it is likely to experience management difficulties in the organization. Therefore, the main objective of a budget is to help in aiding an organization set objectives or targets to be achieved in specific period in time or time span. After targets are set, they are the guidelines of the business operations. They are the driving force for the business. This is as a result that the business will make all the necessary efforts to ensure that they either fully o r partly achieve these targets (Donovan, 2005). A case in study is where a firm decides that it intends to sell 100000 units of a product in a certain definite financial period for example a year, the firm will obviously make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that the firm will achieve the set target. The arrangements may entail even putting forth a elabo rate and efficient production plan which will ensure constant supply for the sales target. It is true the management will make all the necessary efforts to ensure this objective is arrived at. If the budget is achieved or partly satisfied i.e. about 80% and above. It means that only about 80000 units of sale are made creating room for the analysis of the variation. Then it gives the management a chance to investigate the reasons that this has occurred. In the event that the reasons are identified viable ways of overcoming the causes is exploited to make sure that the problem is eradicated or reduced. This alone is a minimization of the risk of loss of any business. The preparation of a budget is therefore important in the maximization of the profits of the business (Label, 2010). Budgeting principles A proactive and effective budget normally has four basic principles that guide their establishment. These principles entail the following:- One must be conservative in making a budget. Assuming that you were to make budgets far much outside what does not take place. The budget may not be operational on such grounds. Therefore a budget should not be prepared and expecting that the outcome be the same as budgeted. There always has to be a deviation from the normal due to the difference in environments of operation including time line. Another principle is

Monday, September 23, 2019

Senators and Representatives Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Senators and Representatives - Research Paper Example The voters have tended to choose presidential candidates from the said party for three elections already. Apparently, this only gives the impression that the district may well be considered as a bulwark of the Republican Party. The presidential elections since the year 2000 provide figures that proved this conclusion. In 2000, when George W. Bush ran for president, he got 37 percent of the votes. As he continued to banner the war on terror, and riding on the bandwagon effect of the American response to 9/11, President Bush managed to be reelected. The 7th District of Virginia produced 38 percent of its registered voters in favor of the incumbent chief executive. While John McCain was very unpopular in other states, in the district, he and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin were able to obtain a majority of 53.16 percent of the votes (Virginia State Board of Elections, n.d.). This obviously made the tandem win in the district. All these figures only prove how the district’ s population has the tendency to favor one party over the other. The voters in the district also favor congressional candidates who belong to the Republican Party. From January 1971 until the present, the district has always had a Republican congressman. This means that the GOP has been dominant in the counties composing for about four decades already. However, this is not the case when it comes to the voters’ choice of senator. In the 2008 senatorial elections, Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat, won over Republican James Gilmore III with a huge margin of 88,461 votes. Sen. Warner took 62.25 percent of the total votes (Virginia State Board of Elections, n.d.). In the 2000 elections, however, a Republican, Sen. G.F. Allen won with a great majority also. As the presidential elections would show, it is clear that the 7th district of Virginia leans to the Republicans when it comes to choosing the country’s chief executive. This is the same tendency that is displayed in congress ional elections, particularly when it comes to selecting a representative in the lower house. Its choice for senator, however, has changed only in the last senatorial elections. It remains to be seen whether this signifies a start of a new trend. Rep. Eric Cantor is the district’s congressman. He has been considered as the Republican Party’s fast-rising leaders. Aside from being a lawyer, Rep. Cantor is also a businessman. Prior to being elected a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, he was a member of the state of Virginia’s legislative body. He was first noticed on Virginia’s political scene when he became part of the House of Delegates from 1992 until 2000 (Project Vote Smart, n.d.). In 2000, he was elected as congressman. It did not take long before he immediately became prominent in the halls of Congress. He first became popular among fellow Republicans in Congress which resulted in him being named as chief deputy majority whip for the party in 2002-2006. He later held the position of chief deputy minority whip in 2006-2008. As he became more accepted as a party leader, Rep. Cantor became minority whip for about two years in 2008. This year, his influence became even broader when he became the majority leader of the House of Representatives. Considering his growing influence in the Republican Party, it is only expected that Rep. Cantor’

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Efforts to Address Illegal Logging Issue Essay Example for Free

Efforts to Address Illegal Logging Issue Essay The Malaysian government’s response to illegal logs in the country has been to implement log-tracking systems, to ban log imports from Indonesia and to increase law enforcement activities. The State Forestry Departments have been setting up State Security and Protection Units within their organizations. They have also asked for assistance from the police and military to curb illegal activities. Punishment for illegal logging or importing banned timber can be quite severe. For example, penalties for cases that go to court in Sarawak can result in payments of up to ten times the value of seized timber, plus a US$15,000 fine, plus a jail sentence of up to five years. Numerous offenses have been prosecuted. For example, in Peninsular Malaysia, some 324 forestry offenses were recorded involving illegal logging, improper logging licensees, felling immature trees and encroachments. However, environmental NGOs claim that there are many more violations that are undetected. The Malaysian government views the management of its forests as within the purview of its own sovereignty. Government and industry officials are confident that little illegal forest activity occurs in Malaysia and that its enforcement mechanisms are highly effective. When the illegal logging issue recently arose in the context of negotiations toward an economic partnership agreement with Japan, Malaysian representatives were adamant that matters of illegal logging are strictly dealt with. On concerns about Malaysian imports from Indonesia, they contended that imports from Indonesia carry the relevant certificates. The Japanese negotiators indicated that proof of legality for Malaysian wood products entering Japan would be a prerequisite to furthering negotiations on the economic agreement. Unlike any other Asian country, Malaysia has had a fairly comprehensive log tracking system for several years, which has limited the ability of manufacturing plants to purchase and consume logs from unspecified sources. On the Peninsula, every cut tree on PFE land is tracked from the stump to the processing plant. The stump is left with a plastic tag which includes an I.D. number corresponding to the tags on all the logs cut from the  individual tree. Before the logs leave the forest, an officer checks the tag numbers in the â€Å"Tree Tagging and Timber Production Control Book†. The logging company needs to fill in a â€Å"Forest Harvesting Control and Monitoring Form† for each stand to be checked regularly by a state official. Each month, the Forest Range Officer in charge completes a â€Å"Monthly Forest Harvesting Process Report† to ensure the licensee only harvests trees according to the permit. 51 See EIA/Telepak. â€Å"Profiting from Plunder: How Malaysia Smuggles Endangered Wood.† 2004. and The Star Online. â€Å"Big Seizure of Illegal Logs in National Park.† 2003. 52 EIA. â€Å"Environmentalists Accuse Singapore of Illegal Trade in Endangered Timber and Harmful Chemicals at UN Conference; US Sanctions Possible as Trade Threatens Biodiversity, Human Health.† 2004. 53 â€Å"Environmental and social NGOs reject the Malaysian Timber Certification Council’s Scheme† 54 Nikkan Mojkuzai Shimbun. â€Å"Japan Concerned About Illegal Logging, Japan-Malaysia FTA Negotiations Forest Products for a Subcommittee.† July 23, 2004. Page 86

Saturday, September 21, 2019

An Examination of SMEs in Vietnam

An Examination of SMEs in Vietnam Definition of SME Nowadays in Vietnam, developing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is highly concerned by the government because a country prosperity depends lots on the health of the economy and enterprises. At the beginning of developing a market-oriented economy especially, SMEs play a key role because they take up most of enterprises in the economy, let alone creating the most of the labor force. However, up until now, there not yet exists a widely-used, complete definition on SMEs. The definition of SME is going through a process of dynamic change in parallel with the transformation from the centrally planned to market economy. Many of the definitions contained in the previous UNECE document OPA/AC.12/1 are no longer valid. The associated central and eastern European countries are gradually adapting their definitions the recommendation of the EU. The SME definition that is currently in use in the EU, is based on the Commission Recommendation 96/280/EC. Normally, to precisely define which compo nents make up a SME, we need to focus on the following criteria. In terms of qualitative measurement, there are quite a few criteria to define an SME, such as: low level of specialization, decentralization, simple administration requirements†¦ These criteria correctly reflect the nature of SME but simultaneously hard to reconcile. That is why these criteria has referential value only and rarely used in practice. In terms of quantitative measurement, the criteria are more specific and applicable. The most commonly used one is the number of people employed by the business. The second common criterion deals with finance – either the turnover or income, or asset value of the business. The third criterion relates to the independency of the SME from other business entity. This thesis will mainly deal with SME definition quantitatively since it shows clear advantage over the other, which are easy to measure and clear in scope. Since there is not yet a specific and widely-used definition for SME, it is important to take a look at different points of view and decide an overall acceptable concept in this thesis. It affects the analyses in different parts of this thesis. According to EU Commission, the main factors to determine whether an entity is a SME are labor force and either turnover or balance sheet total. Based on the commission staff working document by EU Commission, 2009 edition, the specific benchmark is as follow These ceilings apply for individual firms only. A firm which is a part of larger grouping may need to include related information from that grouping too. This definition use various sources to measure, hence, it covers most of the SME situation. Moreover, these three factors are clear in nature and easy to apply, which helps the firms as well as the government to follow and concept and apply relevant measurements. In 2010, enterprises with less than 250 employees are estimated to have accounted for 99.8% of the total number of enterprises across Europe, 66.9% of employment, 57% of turnover and 58% of value-added. Obviously, without such a clear definition, it would be so hard to statistically compute those figures and the government may neglect the mass number of SMEs in their countries. However, there still exists drawbacks concerning this concept, the most important of which is that it is not suitable for a developing country like Vietnam. For a micro enterprise in Vietnam, for example, it is almost impossible for it to own turnover or balance sheet total of 45 billion VND. Therefore, although EU has developed some reasonable criteria that we can learn to establish our own definition, it is essential for developing countries like ours to come up with one of our own. For Korea, the subject of this thesis, the government has issued legislation regarding SMEs, in which criteria are clearly stated in able to assist policy makers to identify SMEs. These criteria are divided upon specific fields. For example, in construction business, an SME entity has to have fewer than 300 frequent labors and have total investment capital of less than USD 600.000. In trading area, enterprises with less than 20 frequent labor and revenue less than USD 500.000 per year (retailers) or less than USD 250.000 per year (wholesalers) are considered SMEs. In this pool, small enterprises are those that have less than 5 frequent employees. These criteria are established in the 70s, up until now, the number of employees has increased 2 to 3 times and capital has been raised more than 10 times. This definition seems to fit more with Vietnam’s situation as Korea is also an Asia country and has similar economic background to us. It also uses the two most common indicators as labor force and capital to determine an SME. However, this definition is already outdated and adjusted to suit the current situation more. This practice makes the concept no longer appropriate to Vietnam as the economic situation between the two countries now differs quite a lot, which urges the need to develop a concept of our own, depending on the knowledge learned from other countries in the world. In our country, although there are not yet any fixed criteria to clearly define an SME, some organizations have developed their own concept to further support their activities. According to Doc 681/CP – KNT, enterprises with less than VND 5 billion in charter capital and average labor of less than 200 people per year are considered SMEs. Below are some organizations and their own definition Source: Ministry of Planning Investment However, these figures are temporarily just administration-oriented criteria to create supporting policies for SMEs. The fact that non -governmental organizations or governmental organizations develop their own concept is acceptable because they have different objectives and practices. On the other hand, such various opinions on SMEs are only referential in quality because they not yet come to a sufficient conclusion on whether an entity is or is not an SME. Therefore, the majority of intellectuals on this issue has raised to make clear this definition as an entity which has investment certificate, regardless of business type, and has capital as well as labor size that can satisfy government regulations on specific fields or through different times. From this standpoint, our government has finally come up with an official document on this matter. The Vietnamese government, defines SMEs by Decree 56/2009/ ND – CP as follow: â€Å"Small and medium-sized enterprises are business establishments that have registered their business according to law and are divided into three levels: very small, small and medium according to the sizes of their total capital (equivalent to the total assets identified in an enterprise’s accounting balance sheet) or the average annual number of laborers (total capital is the priority criterion), concretely as follows†: Table: by This definition sticks to criteria that have been used by EU and Korea, but tailored to fit with our economic situation. Furthermore, it divides the economy into different business sectors because of their distinctive characteristics. This definition is established using multiple statistical methods and surveys. Therefore, it is prestigious and practical enough to be used throughout this thesis Roles of SMEs Despite some disadvantages as being an SME, it still bring clear benefits and economic-social impacts due to its distinctive features SMEs considerably contribute to the government budget The contribution of SMEs into both government and local budget is considerable and on the increasing trend. The corporate survey report in 2011 showed that SMEs accounted for more than 97.6% the total number of enterprises in Vietnam, which made it the major tool to create jobs and generate income for the government budget. Income from corporate tax made 103.6% target and increased by 13% compared to the previous year in 2002. In 2003, income from SMEs took up around 15% total income, increasing 29.5% compared to the same quarters of the previous years. In 2004, income from private sector was 13.100 billion VND, occupying 7.8% budget. However, compared to government budget, the contribution of SMEs to local budget is much higher. For example, in Ho Chi Minh City, the private sector accounts for approximately 15%, 24% in Kien Giang, 16% in Dong Thap, 22% in Gia Lai, 19% in Ninh Binh, 16% in Yen Bai, 17% in Thai Nguyen, 22% in Quang Nam, 33% in Binh Dinh†¦ SMEs generate jobs and income for the labor force Due to estimation from some prestigious authorization, SMEs create 49% of non-agriculture jobs in the rural areas, which is about 25-26% of the overall labor force in Vietnam. For business sector, because of the increasing number of SMEs every year, they attracts around 45 million employees with the average income of 1.5 million VND per month. This fact means a lot in the fight to prevent unemployment and stabilize the society nowadays. The average proportion for a corporation to invest in a job vacancy is 70 to 100 million VND; meanwhile, for an SME, the number is only 210 to 280 million VND (around 3 times higher). Due to such a high level of investment, private sector is the main area attracting new employees ever year and redundant employees resulting from administration re-allocation or substantive change in the economic structure. This practice has helped stabilize and enhance the lives of the labor force. To date, more than 7 million people are now working in the private sector. This is such a positive contribution to social-economic stabilization, poverty reduction and awareness improvement. SMEs greatly contribute into the exporting activities In recent years, in line with our government policies about expanding and encouraging international trade, as well as creating the environment for all business sectors to participate in import and export activities, SMEs, especially the crafts, agriculture, aquatic industry have implemented dynamic investment into potential businesses. In specific, they actively seek for and exploit international markets, which helps a great deal in pushing export and tracking down foreign currency for the country. Up until 31/10/2014, the number of SMEs participating in exporting and importing activities takes up 80.6% and 84.2% respectively. The total exporting volume of SMEs in 2012 reached 4.108 million USD, accounting for 24.6%. For importing volume, the number was 4.789 million USD, accounting for 23.3% compared to the total export – import volume of the economy as a whole. The most remarkable thing is that SMEs in private sector has thrived to become the leading sector in exporting marine products, at around 740 million USD, accounting for 39% the total volume of this business sector. The story goes the same for almonds, at 141 million USD, taking up 42% of the total volume. With this increasing trend as these figures, SMEs will soon become the leading sector in obtaining foreign currency for the country. SMEs participate in the process of creating connection with big corporations SMEs, in the recent years, have strong connection with big corporations in supplying raw materials, implementing contracts, gradually generating supporting industries network and products distribution network especially. This is a two-way relationship, which both sides tie and support each other. The big corporations ensure markets, finance, technology and administration experience for SMEs. On the other hand, SMEs support big corporations in supporting industries and products distribution network. SMEs nurture startup spirit With relatively low investment cost, as well as limited size and business environment, individuals have room to experience and nurture ideas. The increasing number of SMEs both create fairly competitive environment and prevent monopoly in business, which brings clear advantages for new ideas. That is why SMEs are places for startups. SMEs are also the perfect places to train inexperienced staff and future leaders to prepare themselves for larger competitive markets. The great success always start from small steps, so SMEs are considered the stepping stones for a successful career. In reality, in many countries, many well-known multi-national corporations with hundreds of employees used to start as startups or small enterprises, with a few people with the same determination and business idea. Many SMEs all over the world were born in tough and flexible business environment. Later, they thrived and rapidly launched their idea into the commercial world. Many economists compare SMEs as a new breeze into the economy, bringing new business value, even in the biggest economy in the world – USA, especially in technology, communication, finance and banking. Starting with a simple idea and a small business size does not mean you stay there forever. Thriving to a successful and stable stage is always what SMEs aim for. SMEs contribute greatly in stabilization and economic restructuring by territory Normally, big corporations are often located in big cities, which exude developed infrastructure. This fact can lead to serious imbalance in economic, cultural and social development level between rural and urban areas. SMEs can greatly contribute to distribute industrial zone to different places, so the development gap among those areas can be narrowed down. The expansion of SMEs has been an essential part in creating the balance among the areas, helping them to identify potential and strength. The results are bright as those provinces can develop their own products and services, which creates industrialized and modernized economic restructuring. It can be stated that the existence of SMEs is the factor that brightens the economic picture of local areas. SMEs are the perfect complementary for the corporations network of the country, as well as those who utilize slight opportunities that big corporations often overlook. That is why SMEs are considered a vital policy tool to achieve development targets, in which is developing rural and remote areas.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Overview Of Wilmar International Limited Company Marketing Essay

Overview Of Wilmar International Limited Company Marketing Essay Wilmar International Type Public (SGX: F34, ASX:à ¿SGT) Industry Agribusiness Headquarters Singapore Key people Kuok Khoon Hong, Chairman Products Palm Oil Revenue $23.89 billion USD (March 2010) Operating income $1.88 billion USD (March 2010) Total assets 23.36 USD (March 2010) Total equity 30.31 USD (March 2010) Employees >80,000 Website Wilmar International Homepage Wilmar International Limited[1] founded in 1991, is today Asias leading agribusiness group. It ranks amongst the largest listed companies by market capitalisation on the Singapore Exchange (second largest as of Sep 2010)[2]. It is a Singapore-based investment holding company that provides management services to its 400+ subsidiary companies[3]. Wilmar International business activities include oil palm cultivation, edible oils refining, oilseeds crushing, consumer pack edible oils processing and merchandising, specialty fats, oleochemicals and biodiesel manufacturing, and grains processing and merchandising. Wilmars merchandising and processing segment encompass (1) merchandising of palm oil and laurics-related products; (2) operations of palm oil processing and refinery plants; (3) crushing, further processing and refining of a range of edible oils, oilseeds, grains and soyabean. Its consumer products segment has oil bottling business in Peoples Republic of China, Vietnam and Indonesia. Its plantation and palm oil mills segment engages in oil palm cultivation and milling. Other segment includes manufacturing and distribution of fertiliser and ship-chartering services. Another success of the company are become a largest global processor and merchandiser of palm and lauric oils; it has a largest plantation companies in Malaysia and Indonesia; one of the largest palm biodiesel manufacturer in the world; a leading consumer pack edible oils producer, oilseeds crusher, edible oils refiner, specialty fats and oleochemicals manufacturer in China, in India, one of the leading importers of edible oils into East Africa. These are news about its successes: Primarily in the core agricultural business, Wilmar has chalked up US$21.3 billion in revenue following increased sales volume in oilseeds and grains and consumer products as well as higher selling price of agricultural commodities. Under the deal, Wilmar is buying Malaysia-listed PPB OIl Palms Bhd, Kuok Oils Grains Pte Ltd and PGEO Group Sdn Bhd for 4.1 bln sgd in an all-share deal. Wilmar will issue to the Kuok Group 2.4 bln new shares at 1.71 sgd each as payment for the acquisitions, giving the Kuok Group a 31 pct stake in the merged entity. The stake of Wilmar Holdings Pte Ltd in Wilmar International will be diluted to 48.5 pct from 81.90 pct after the merger is completed. Separately, Wilmar International said it is buying the edible oil and grains businesses of Wilmar Holdings , including the interest of Archer Daniels Midland Asia Pacific in the said businesses, for 2.5 bln sgd. ( 12.14.06, 5:28 AM ET) 2. CSR : Corporate Social Responsibilitties of the Company Like all the big and famous companies, they always focus on the responsibilities to the increasing demands of society for greater Corporate Responsibility, They are interesting in protect the environment, they participated into the Sustainable sourcing activities, and Community and Social Benefit, News from / 2010, Wilmar International bought a CSR Ltd sugar unit: By Wendy Pugh and Luzi Ann Javier July 5 (Bloomberg) Wilmar International Ltd., the worlds largest palm oil trader, agreed to buy CSR Ltd.s sugar unit for A$1.75 billion ($1.5 billion), beating Chinas Bright Food Group Co.s bid for Australias biggest refiner. The offer includes A$1.35 billion in cash and A$403 million in assumed net debt, Singapore-based Wilmar said today in a statement. Sydney-based CSR is the worlds second-largest exporter of raw sugar and Australias No.1 producer of sugar- based ethanol and renewable energy generator from biomass. ( ) In official website of the company, they wrote these as undertaking to the society : Our business activities have a direct impact on livelihoods and quality of living, both on our employees and our neighbouring communities. The nature of our business means that we sometimes operate in the most remote parts of developing countries. We have benefited much from these countries and we wish to do our bit for these countries too. We recognise our ability, and our responsibility to better the quality of living conditions of our neighbours, especially for the rural poor. Our approach is to ensure we bring meaningful and lasting benefits to the communities in areas where we operate, while we maintain the continual viability of our business. We reckon one of the best means to achieving this is to build open, honest and mutually beneficial relationships that promote harmony with them. To this end, we are committed to progressive socio-economic policies and programmes in the local communities and economies we operate in In a nutshell, we firmly believe that environmental conservation and economic prosperity through sustainable agriculture can work in practice. ( on March 04, 2011) And how do they face to Climate changes? They said : Human pressure on the global climatic system is largely the result of economic and industrial activities that have increased the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases, associated with the greenhouse effect and subsequent global warming, are caused by the accumulation of mostly carbon dioxide and other gases such as methane and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere. We monitor our GHG emissions and are constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint in our plantation and industrial operations.à ¿ For example, our mills make use of biomass to generate electricity, including agricultural wastes such as empty fruit bunches, tree fronds from the plantations, by-products from mills like shells and mill fibre. à ¿This helps to cut down our consumption of fossil fuels, by reducing our dependence on electricity from the national and local grids, as well as diesel-fired plant generators. These biomass energy plants generate carbon-neutral electricity, and some are registered as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. Under the Kyoto Protocol, aà ¿protocolà ¿to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), industrialised countries (countries listed in Annex B) can fulfil their commitments to GHG reduction, by participating in project activities in developing countries, which are certified to reduce GHG emissions. ( on March 6, 2011) The concept of High Conservation Value Forests (HCVF) is defined by the Forest Stewardship Council as having outstanding and critical importance due to its high environmental, socio-economic, biodiversity, or landscape values. For example, the forested areas may contain rare, threatened or endangered ecosystems, or the areas may provide basic services of nature in critical situations such as erosion control. The concept is conceived as a way of reconciling socio-economic progress with environmental protection. ( on March 6, 2011) Subtainability But while fulfilling these obligations, businesses are often caught in a trade-off between the desire for economic growth and the imperative to protect the natural environment and safeguard the interests of the population; from climate change and environmental degradation, to the imbalance between rising population and depleting resources, as well as the widening rich-poor divide. In our endeavour towards achieving business excellence, we have learned from others as well as from our own experience that sustainable development is the way forward. With this appreciation, striving for the right balance between growth and sustainability becomes our principal goal. Amidst the impoverished regions of the developing economies in which we operate, our presence has brought relief and stability to many who live on the poverty line. In our farming practices, we have also adopted a responsible plantation management approach that enables us to enhance natures biodiversity without compromising yields or plantation profitability. In a nutshell, we firmly believe that environmental conservation and economic prosperity through sustainable agriculture can work in practice. At the same time, we also recognise we can do much more to benefit the world with help and support from other stakeholders. This refers to engaging stakeholders through listening and addressing their concerns into our business decisions and actions, as well as forming strategic collaborations with them, where relevant. Indeed, palm oil production can enjoy longevity if operators subscribe to the same set of principles and adopt the same set of responsible best practices They take care the Employee Welfare also as : Training and development have always been an integral aspect of continual investment in our human capital, to enhance individual and organisation effectiveness. We work to ensure that every employee has an equal opportunity at career development. We also encourage our employees to take up overseas assignments or postings to further their learning. Health and safety are Wilmars top considerations concerning the employees. Wilmar pays careful consideration to the safety of our employees at the workplace, for our plantation operations all over the world. We conduct regular trainings and implement programmes to foster awareness of occupational health and safety risks. Additionally, we inculcate stringent health and safety policies, as well as practices amongst our staff in all our operations. With a significant portion of our employees based in the plantations, we take an extra interest in their welfare. This is reflected in a series of undertakings to support their work and livelihoods. We provide rice at subsidised rates for our employees. In areas where oil palm cultivation is not suitable, we have converted the flood-prone lands to paddy fields for rice cultivation. The produce is then sold to employees at subsidised rates ( on March 6, 2011) Just look at the company website, we might have not a overall view of all, from another source we find out more about this : SYDNEY/SINGAPORE (Reuters) Singapores Wilmar International Ltd (WLIL.SI) on Monday struck a surprise deal to buy Australian conglomerate CSR Ltds sugar business for A$1.75 billion ($1.47 billion), trumping Chinas Bright Food Group. By Michael Smith and Charmian Kokin SYDNEY/SINGAPORE | Mon Jul 5, 2010 3:17am BST ( While other companies either struggled or sank during the economic downturn last year, Singapore-headquartered agribusiness group Wilmar International had a busy 2009, continuing its growth strategy of previous years and making two large oleochemical investments. ( on 30 September 2010 18:49) Will Wilmar Hit The Property Jackpot? Despite this, a challenging operating environment, lower margins and a hike in various expenses have brought about a 30% fall in Wilmars bottomline. Nevertheless, Wilmar generated 4.9 times increase in cash flow from operating activities. Notably, Wilmar was able to maintain its proforma net gearing at a healthy level of 0.7 times as at 30 September 2010, despite a 46.7% jump in net loans and borrowings. These speak volumes about the strong financial position Wilmar is in. ( 17 January 2011) Why could they face with the world crisis? They were undertaking to protect environment, protect human work right, they had good policies to expand to another countries like China, and India which is along with the globalization large champagne, so the company could be faced to world crisis in recent years. Another way, in the company website, they said : Our business strategy involves building an integrated business model which captures the entire value chain of the agricultural commodity processing business, from origination, processing and transportation to the branding, merchandising and distribution of a wide range of agricultural products. Our business model enjoys lower cost due to economies of scale, integration, logistical and distribution advantages, and superior market intelligence. ( on March 7,2011) I think this is the main key of the company which it makes them overcome the crisis, while the world is faced the big inflation. Due to lower cost, supply for big customers with large volume of quality goods, they keep on the success way to maintain the reputation and revenue of the company. This is its strategy over past few years, Significance: Wilmars latest investment is in line with its long-term processing strategy and may see the company reap benefits in the future from rising commodity prices as palm oil is one of Indonesias main export commodities. (Singapore Daily Bulletin 08/02/11) The Markets it has focused are China, India Market to exploit the potential factors of these land while these countries are on the way to develop: that is the large market, great number of labours, and good source of materials etc for its improvement. The Globalization Strategy of the company is that process. And they have success on this strategy rather quickly, from 2006 until now. 5. Vision, Mission, goals: As the above evidence, we found out that the vision of Wilmar OUR VISION To become the best, reliable, honorable oil palm plantation and put on the international level. OUR MISSION To manage healthy and innovative oil palm plantation and processing industry and to put priorities on quality and environmental sustainability through the implementation of Good Corporate Principles in ensuring the goals of all companies stakeholders. ( on March 7, 2011) And what are goals: that is bring the value things to life for stakeholders, customers, environment, society and so on. REFERENCE: WILMAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (Company Registration Number: 199904785Z) (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) Page 1 of 3 NOTIFICATION PURSUANT TO RULE 704(11) OF SGX-ST LISTING MANUAL List of persons, occupying managerial positions in the Issuer or any of its principal subsidiaries, who are related to a Director, CEO or Substantial Shareholder of the Issuer.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cervical Cancer Essay -- HPV Cancer, Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer malignant cancer of the cervix uteris or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages, which has made cervical cancer the focus of intense screening efforts using the Pap smear. About 2.2 percent of women carry one of the 2 virus strains most likely to lead to cervical cancer. One of the symptoms of Cervical Cancer is very Unusual amount of discharge. Treatment consists of surgery in early stages and chemotherapy and radiotherapy in advanced stages of the disease. An effective HPV vaccine against the two most common cancer-causing strains of HPV has recently been licensed in the U.S. These two HPV strains together are responsible for approximately 70% of all cervical cancers. Experts recommend that women combine the benefits of both programs by seeking regular Pap smear screening, even after vaccination. Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer may include: loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, single swollen leg, heavy bleeding from the vagina, leaking of urine or feces from the vagina, and bone fractures. Cervical cancer happens when cells in the cervix begin to grow out of control and can then invade nearby tissues or spread throughout the body. Large collections of this out of control tissue are called tumors. However, some tumors are not really cancer because they cannot spread or threaten someone's life. These are called benign tumors. The tumors that can spread throughout the body or invade nearby tissues are considered cancer and are called malignant tumors. Usually, cervix cancer is very slow growing although in certain circumstances it can grow... ...sease (STD) is the main cause of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer resembles various nonmalignant venereal diseases in that it is associated with promiscuity. In to that?s addition, there was also another possible risk factor, Evita's mother died of cervical cancer at the age 77. Cervical dysplasia is a also condition characterized by the presence of abnormal cells in the cervix, indicating either precancerous or cancerous cells. The condition is classified as low-grade or high-grade, depending on the extent of the abnormal cell growth. Low-grade cervical dysplasia progresses very slowly and typically resolves on its own. High-grade cervical dysplasia, however, tends to progress quickly and usually leads to cervical cancer. An estimated 66% of cervical dysplasia cases are estimated to progress to cancer within 10 years.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mariah Carey :: essays research papers

Mariah Carey, the biggest-selling female recording artist of the 1990's was born and raised in New York by her mother, a former opera singer with the New York City Opera and a vocal coach, Mariah Carey began singing at age four. By the time she was in junior high school, she had begun to write songs. After her high school graduation, she got her fist big break, singing backup for Brenda K. Starr, a break that led to her signing with Columbia Records. And now Mariah is not only a singer, but also a writer and producer. Mariah Carey has had more #1 singles than any female artist, surpassing both the Supremes (12) and Madonna (11), and more #1's than any currently active recording artist. She has had more #1 singles (14) than any artist during the 1990's and seen more singles (3) debut at #1 than any artist in history. With more #1 albums (4) than any female artist in the 1990's Mariah was the first female artist to see two of her albums (Music Box and Daydream) reach the 10 million mark in sales and is the only female artist to have eight albums certified triple-platinum or better (in Mariah's case, her entire album catalog has achieved RIAA multi-platinum status). Mariah's 1990 eponymous debut album launched an unparalleled unbroken string of successes. Mariah Carey has sold more than 12 million albums worldwide, was certified 8x RIAA-platinum, and yielded a record-setting four consecutive #1 singles: "Vision of Love," "Love Takes Time," "Someday," and "I Don't Wanna Cry." The title track of 1992's quadruple-platinum Emotions generated her fifth consecutive #1 single, placing Mariah Carey in the Top Ten All-Time achievers of Most Consecutive #1 Hits. Emotions earned Mariah two Grammy nominations ("Best Pop Vocal, Female" and, with Walter Afanasieff, "Best Producer") and an American Music Award ("Favorite Female Artist, Soul/ R&B"). On March 17, 1992, Mariah appeared on MTV Unplugged, leading to the release of Mariah's sixth #1 single ("I'll Be There") as well as an EP which has been certified triple platinum in the U.S. and has sold more than five million copies worldwide. In 1993, Mariah released Music Box, an album which as sold more than 24 million copies worldwide, has been certified ten times RIAA platinum, and generated her seventh and eighth #1 singles "Dreamlover" and "Hero" as well as the Top 10 hit "Without You." Mariah followed up with her holiday album, Merry Christmas, which sold eight million copies worldwide shortly after its release in November 1994 and has been certified quadruple platinum by the RIAA.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Baby dumping causes Essay

Increasing baby dumping cases all over the nation shown us this situation can be classified as critical social crisis, many factor will lead to this situation. The baby dumping can refer to discarding or leaving alone for extended period of time, a child younger than 12 months of age in a public or private setting with the extent to dispose of the child. Based on the police statistic, it shown the increasing of case related to baby in this country driven to worried situation among the society. This scenario had been more serious day by day, despite there are lot of information by government or frighten by the mass media. Even though, more outcry by the Non Government Organization NGO and the public to compel stopping this loon action. In this case, mostly the teenager tend to contribute the increasing of the baby dumping cases, the elder community is also either passively or explicitly in this problems. In some case we can read on newspaper or listen on the screen of mass media baby dispose in improper manner by irresponsibly person in diverse conditions. A girl gives birth in a school toilet, the biological parent give a birth in the cheap hotel and leaves it in rubbish dump site and even worst coercion by their parent when they failed on consent to accept the baby as their descendent they rather throw the priceless gift from God than take it as a treasure. The baby diminishes in difference cruel ways, the way that can perceivably see by the people eye or may not. Sometime it is absurd to human mankind. Isn’t it?. One of the main factors is the dispute in family institution between family members, especially by their parent causing the child to be effected in this kind of situation. Even more, the crisis dragged in a long term of misunderstanding, fighting and unhappiness. The abruptly change in the family environment is not something easy to take in their mind compared with matured elders. It even worst when their parents decided to a divorce, while their kids still not ready to face the situation to loss any of them in term of love and protection. Start from this point, they may tend to find the difference ways to get all what they have lost, yes, the closest members is from their friend in their education groups at the some case wandering from online chatting that can easily found in diverse website. The feeling to rely all  the hope and soul toward the person likely in opposite gender without proper monitoring by the elders may lead to the risk with appreciation love of their relationship on the cheap hotel room bed or at any place reasonable for them. Another factor contributing the increasing of baby dumping cases is lack of knowledge education, either in moral side or in the religious side or neither of them is worst situation. Nowadays, we can see, as the centuries risen parallel as well as the education standard within the civilization, in positive side, it helping people to more understand about what is surround us. But in the others side, some of them especially teenager incline to be more independent with their act on what they gained in their education in school even higher education standard such university or college, furthermore, the teenager intend to try something different, or something new, this is the main aspect why most of the cases related to teenager problem happen in these day. For instance, by looking at the movie or any book contain unfiltered information. Without proper knowledge about it, they can easily influence to put a try or some just said, once only and never again, neglecting the consequences of their action, the minority of them really slick in manipulating the knowledge in turning it into their advantage side, the victim referred to women is in the inverse side, who lack in knowledge, make them susceptible to such risk. Poverty is also another factor that causes in child dumping scenario in this country. Poor society welfare system on who are not capable in financial of taking care child is more favor to dump the baby, this frequently occurred on adolescence in initial period to start the relationship or intend to have marriage. Political condition, such as difficulty in adoption proceedings, may also contribute to child dumping, as can the lack of institution, such as orphanage, to take in children whom their parent incapable to support, furth ermore, when the responsible society has failed to convince the people and make them realize the important to save the precious life of babies before it become plague in our community. Societies with strong social structures and liberal adoption laws tend to have lower rates of child dumping. Moreover, rape case can classified more baffling, it still happen in this millennium century, copying our ancient custom even conscience of human mankind repulse it. In some incest case it happen by among the family descent, now we can read in the front of news, the people we can trust most,  betray us in such that disgraceful manner. Or it may happen by molestation force of others culprit others than family members toward the victim. Subsequently, the victim are not willing to do that so, consequently causing them not to welcome the baby in their pregnancy. After the tri-semester of pregnancy of waiting they will be conducive to diminish the baby, claim it as blessedness child. The hatred to the culprit interprets to risk the baby life, by tendency to abandon it somewhere out of their sign. Psychologists believe the force by closest members or family can cause the drastic change of action and disturbing the human morality thinking. Even the initial instinct are totally object to their compel action. As a mother, it is hard to accept, if they are genuinely intend to act such that cruel activity, to dump baby after bring it in their pregnancy in almost three quarter of year. Even though, the small agitation and compulsion from the people around them distract or convince them to finish the life of innocent baby in such irritation mannerism. For instance, when the parent forces their kid to abortion the baby, afraid of the slander by the villager and their community surround. Either, intrude by the partner of sinful relationship to force them to terminate the baby life in any mean, to avoid their sinful action traced by peoples around them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Responsive and Adaptive Architecture

Responsive and Adaptive Architecture It is no secret that the universe is germinating at an amazing gait and everything is altering really fast. Modern tendencies are really rushing with each other and engineering is developing invariably conveying the mundane user new services to simplify their day-to-day modus operandi. However, the built environment can non be replaced every bit rapidly as a laptop or a phone, for illustration. Architecture is about reflecting on the universe and showing it through the urban landscape that we create. Architecture is a tool to continue historical events, periods, phases of development. But what if it is really able to maintain up with the developing universe around it and reflect it all the clip? What if merely by looking at a series of edifices you are able to see an on-going event someplace else, or the edifice alterations shape to state you to avoid traffic. Architecture is an look but what if it is able to react to current events and be enlightening, artistic or any sort of manner to reflect upon its milieus on a little or broad graduated table. It would really non merely determine the environment but besides take portion in the actions and be involved in the communicating procedure – accommodating itself to the plangency and the events. Since I am interested in the latest tendencies and technological promotions I keep path of several cyberspace beginnings which publish intelligence related to this subject. However most of them are aimed at the amusement concern and digital development, taking the degree of gambling and digital sweetenings to the following phase. I was funny if the engineering they develop for multimedia can in a manner be combined with an architectural design which would respond to its milieus. By making so the barrier between the digital infinite and the physical kingdom would be broken. The universe created by such a edifice would be adaptative and the user will be able to see its presence and its behaviour as a consequence of his personal actions. My university undertaking during the first term was a perfect chance to develop my thought. My purpose is to make a infinite ( or series of infinites ) that could drastically alter and interact with the dwellers and accommodate the environment harmonizi ng to existent clip events. Achieving this will set the user into something more than a digital simulation leting him to see a new sort of architecture, one that responds to his presence. Current undertakings involved in antiphonal architecture took me to the plants of Cantoni and Crescenti who have developed several installings which respond to real-time human activity and the presence of the people. They really create constructions, non merely digital response on a screen or floor, that alteration harmonizing to people`s motion, weight, velocity and way.Mirroris a undertaking about a brooding and really flexible sheet of metal which either expands or detracts based on the user`s distance to itself. It is these first simple stairss into altering the environment that I am looking at and how they can be implemented both in the inside and outside of a edifice and how it can be farther developed. Other undertakings include a floor which moves harmonizing to where you are, and a tilting tunnel which leans to antagonize a person`s weight therefore reacting first manus to what is traveling on around it on a mechanical degree. The 2nd sort of undertakings I am looking at is the amusement development in footings of projection function and augmented world. Both are taking to convey the users a new degree in interaction between a digital universe and the physical universe about giving us a new sort of media to bask. â€Å"Demand it. Welcome it. Let it in. The Third Era of Visual Art is gon na be great.† ( Matt Pearson, â€Å" Generative Art: A Practical Guide † ) . The 3rd epoch of ocular humanistic disciplines brings us the minute of now. Not something that has been created in the yesteryear to be used or viewed in the hereafter in merely one peculiar manner. The events are go oning now, and the response is existent but alternatively of being played out merely in a practical world, the user becomes portion of it in the physical universe. The development of projection function is something I would wish to look at foremost. Since Sony developed the Move, handheld gesture tracker, for their console many developers have tried to utilize it to a greater possible than merely playing games on it. What it does is it is being tracked by a camera located in the console and it besides sends informations by observing which manner it is being moved, rotated etc. However, its usage has been driven into a different way of the amusement concern. In the past projection function was merely available from a inactive place. The undertaking which enabled it to be dynamic is called â€Å"Most Insane Immersive Movie Experience Ever† . Attaching a gesture tracker to the camera, utilizing a 3D function of the country and a spot of package to command the projection itself to be adjusted to the position of the camera, has enabled to transform one room with normal furniture into a series of infinites such as a digital dimension, a citysc ape and a sea, submersing the people into an astonishing experience like non other so far. My undertaking involves making a infinite which can imitate an environment and, by projection and motion, highlight contrasting to the landscape factors. I call it The Screen. The thought comes from analyzing a forest country that is traveling to hold a new railroad system constructed through it and this intervention`s intent is to foreground the perturbation being caused during and after building. The intercession is a large screening infinite, without the restriction of being a room, so it can be synergistic and re-arrangeable. The thought is that footage from the exterior is being played in an synergistic manner on the interior by holding a 360 projection, much like a planetarium. The construction resembles a large umbrella which wraps around the viewing audiences which besides gives the semblance that the intercession is drifting. This intercession aims to stand for the bing environment on the exterior in to the viewing audiences inside, by straight demoing them what it is design ed to foreground – break in the natural landscape caused by reinforced environment. The nucleus tower will keep will keep the robotic weaponries that extend and wrap the infinite and all the projectors which are aimed at the flexible membrane used for the screen. At the terminal of the robotic weaponries there will be a grid which will keep little Pistons which will be interacting with the screen and making the physical motion which will be synchronized with the projection. All the treating units, computing machines and power will be fitted in the base of the construction. Video provender will be provided from the top of the intercession tower where a 360 bird's-eye picture provender will be captured. This intercession is the first measure to making a antiphonal environment and to planing a paradigm for a bigger more developed version to follow. All the cardinal elements listed above can be combined together to make a new type of reinforced signifier, one which will pass on with its dwellers. Future developments of this can be introduced into the amusement concern a s a new signifier of bet oning experience, where the physical environment would alter drastically ; it could be introduced into art, exhibitions ; preparation and simulation. This could potentially open the door to a new sort of reinforced environment, one that has multiple utilizations in a individual infinite and could finally go everything one wants it to be.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Evaluating the Research Process Essay

Literature Review The following paper will address the research process using the article Assessing Pregnancy Intention and Associated Risks in Pregnant Adolescents. The research process consists of nine parts that include; selecting a problem, formulating a hypothesis, reviewing the literature, listing the measures, describing the subjects, constructing a design, constructing and identifying measurement devices, analysis of the data, and generating conclusions (Neutens & Rubinson, 2010). The literature review shows that adolescent pregnancy is a multifaceted problem. Adolescent pregnancy has risk factors that must be taken into account. Ethics Some of these risk factors would be the ethical considerations. The Nuremberg Code which was established in 1947 tried to provide regulations. These regulations were to prevent any more atrocities in human research (Neutens & Rubinson, 2010). One of the ethical considerations would be informed consent. Informed consent came about after the Nuremberg Code. Informed consent is about telling the subject about the details of the research, any risks or benefits that could come about (Neutens & Rubinson, 2010) Ethical considerations must be taken into consideration when performing tests on human subjects. If anything is not disclosed in the informed consent, it would leave the researchers vulnerable to a lawsuit as well as invalidating the research study. In the article, Assessing Pregnancy Intention and Associated Risks in Pregnant Adolescents, informed consent was followed. â€Å"Informed consent was obtained from the participant and if the participant was younger than 18 years old, con sent was obtained from her guardian with assent of the minor (participant)† (Phipps & Nunes, 2012). The researchers found the subjects during their first prenatal care appointment to the â€Å"Women and Infants Hospital Women’s Primary Care Center, Providence, RI between March 2002 and February 2005† (Phipps & Nunes,  2012). Steps were taken to ensure that the participants would be considered adolescents even after their babies were born and that they would understand what was expected of them. The research study was conducted by using research assistants that interviewed the participants. They were questioned about their â€Å"demographic characteristics, life plans, social supports, peer and family relationships, financial support, behavioral risks, and medical history† (Phipps & Nunes, 2012). In example, research surveys â€Å"included validated questions where available and where not available content-relevant questions were assessed for face validity. The surveys underwent a process of review and revision that included both clinical experts and age-relevant volunteers† (). In the survey, subjects were asked about pregnancy planning, so that the assistants could assess the subjects’ level of agreement with statements. The statements were coded to assess for risk factors. The stat ements ranged from trying to getting pregnant and best age to get pregnant as well as overall feelings about pregnancy (Phipps & Nunes, 2012). Statistical Analysis All of the information that was gathered by the research assistants from the participants is used in the statistical analysis to determine the significance level. â€Å"The significance level of a statistical hypothesis test is a fixed probability of wrongly rejecting the null hypothesis, if it is in fact true. The significance level is typically set at five percent† (â€Å"The Statistics Glossary†, n.d.). So anything higher than five percent would be considered statistically insignificant. The researchers â€Å"did observe significant associations between our pregnancy intention metrics and known risk factors for poor outcomes† (Phipps & Nunes, 2012). There were two dimensions of pregnancy intention that the researchers assessed. The two significant dimensions were emotional readiness and planning. Emotional readiness was more â€Å"strongly associated with risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Pregnant teens identified as not emotionally ready were at increased risk for delayed prenatal care, inadequate prenatal care utilization, delayed use of prenatal vitamins, recent smoking, recent drinking, recent drug use and depression† (Phipps & Nunes, 2012). The findings in the research study article is statistically significant. The study showed that emotional readiness and planning are critical for having a  healthy pregnancy. Before this study came out, researchers thought that being emotionally ready was not nearly as important to pregnancy as proper health care. However, if one is not emotionally ready it can affect getting proper health care. Research Conclusions The conclusion to this study determined that emotional readiness and planning are the main risk factors for adolescent pregnancy that has adverse outcome. This study tests the thought that emotional readiness and planning are the two most important factors against family type as the most important risk factor. If the study was looking into preventing adolescent pregnancy, then family type is the most important risk factor. Emotional readiness and planning are important so that one will have a healthy pregnancy. The results to this study are appropriate. There is enough information to determine that the article was indeed effective. The statistics provided in this study were quantitative in nature. The data was collected in an ethical manner. This can be determined by the appropriate exclusion criteria. The article further indicates that previous research was conducted on the topic adolescent pregnancy. This research enabled the creation of a scoring method to identify adolescents tha t are at risk for pregnancy. The results to this study are very appropriate and there is enough information to determine that the article was indeed effective. The statistics provided in this study were clearly listed and defined. The data was ethically collected and appropriate exclusion criteria were indicated to avoid producing biased results. The article further indicates that previous research was conducted on the topic of adolescent pregnancy. This research enabled the creation of a scoring method to identify those at risk of adolescent pregnancy. The article, Assessing pregnancy intention and associated risks in pregnant adolescents, looks into risk factors for adolescents becoming pregnant and having a health pregnancy. The article uses the research process to come to the conclusions that family type, emotional readiness and planning are all important. Family type is statistically important because it states that an adolescent is more at risk for pregnancy if they come from a less than ideal home. Emotional readiness and planning is statistically important because they can affect pregnancy outcome. These conclusions are the same con clusions that the researchers came to in their article. References Neutens, J. J., & Rubinson, L. (2010). Research techniques for the health sciences (4th Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. Phipps, M. G., & Nunes, A. P. (2012). Assessing pregnancy intention and associated risks in pregnant adolescents. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 16(9), 1820-7. doi: The Statistics Glossary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sherman Alexie V. Frederick Douglass

Compare and Contrast Essay Frederick Douglass V. Sherman Alexie As a young child, we are given certain opportunities and guidance to expand our knowledge right off the bat when it comes to reading and writing. Going to school to get an education is what every parent aspires their child to do. Parents want the best for their children, to be accepted and to learn to their fullest extent just like every other child their age. However, there are many children and families who are not as privileged when it comes to receiving these certain opportunities.I ask myself a simple question: is education really taken for granted as if it is just a given and not a privilege? It seems that these days, going to school and learning is just expected. Nobody takes the time to realize how privileged they are to have an education, where they can learn to express themselves creatively and form opinions when thinking for themselves without others affecting you. Looking at two essays, â€Å"The Joy of Read ing and Writing: Superman and me† by Sherman Alexie, and â€Å"Learning to Read and Write† by Frederick Douglass, comparisons between the two are greatly visible.Both of these stories take an in depth look at these two young men’s lives, as we focus on what these stories are trying to tell, and what message(s) are trying to get across. Not only do these two authors share similarities in upbringing, but they also share the same determination when it comes to educating themselves on their own and proving to others that ignorance truly is bliss. Born and raised on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Wellpinit, Washington, Sherman Alexie was truly a remarkable boy.Coming from what he considered to be a poor family â€Å"by most standards†, Alexie claims that him and his family lived â€Å"on a combination of irregular paychecks, hope, fear and government surplus food† (Alexie pg. 16). At the young age of three, Alexie taught himself how to read with a Sup erman comic book. Where Alexie was from, â€Å"A smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed by Indians and non-Indians alike. † (pg. 17). Expectations were at a low standard for Indian children like him. Teachers and students expected him to fail, especially in a learning environment of non-Indian students.Despite these ignorant accusations, Alexie refused to not only be a statistic within his community, but a failure as well. This is shown as he wrote, â€Å"I refused to fail. I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky. I read books late into the night, until I could barely keep my eyes open† (pg. 17). He jumped at the chance to read anything in his tracks, giving him the opportunity to expand his mind and knowledge base. He fought with his classmates on a daily basis because they expected him to stay silent if questions were asked in class.Alexie refused to do so; he bypassed his classmates intellectually and would not let anyone make him feel infe rior. As he grew up to become a writer, we see pain in the story he tells. â€Å"I loved those books, but I also knew that love had only one purpose. I was trying to save my life† (pg. 18). Alexie wanted to be someone greater than what others expected him to be. People would put him down constantly, but he fought back just as much. He tried to save himself from the stereotypes of being just another dumb Indian.He had more determination to prove others wrong when it came too exceeding in reading to further excel in his daily life. When talking about determination and power to succeed, many similarities are portrayed by Sherman Alexie and Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was born a slave in 1818 in Maryland. For most of his life he lived in what he said, â€Å"Master Hugh’s family† (Douglass pg. 129). Douglass’s mistress, someone he claimed to be a â€Å"kind and tender-hearted woman† (pg. 129), had begun to instruct him on how to read and writ e starting with teaching him the alphabet.Slavery is mainly what caused the change in Douglass’s life. As his master found out about his wife’s actions in teaching him how to read and write, she was instructed to stop. She quickly turned from warm and tender hearted to cold and fierce. This eventually left Douglass to take his education into his own account and further teach himself. He stated that, â€Å"The plan which I adopted, and the one by which I was most successful, was that of making friends of all the little white boys whom I met in the street. As many of these as I could, I converted into teachers.With their kindly aid, obtained at different times and in different places, I finally succeeded in learning to read† (pg. 130). Douglass took matters into his own hands and did whatever he could to learn. Along with learning how to read himself, he also learned how to write by looking at letters on timber in old ship-yards. Copying down the letters he saw an d making four letter names by associating them with certain objects. Much later in Douglass’s life, he went on and became a leader in the abolitionist movement.Coming from a dark past while living in slavery to becoming a great speaker and someone others can look up to as a role model. The similarities between these two men are uncanny. For one, the both share a similar upbringing as young boys dealing with racism. For Sherman Alexie, he was a young Indian boy living on a reservation facing stereotypes how Indian children are expected to be unintelligent. As for Frederick Douglass, he was a young boy who grew up a slave and faced cold treatment from those who were once there for him.What these two shares is a common similarity when it comes to dealing with racism and all its ignorance. Both of these young men were forced to learn on their own due to others constantly doubting their intelligence and stereotyping. However, the main similarity between these two comes down to one word, determination. Determination and the desire to achieve are Alexie and Douglass’s greatest qualities. Alexie was always told that Indian children were expected to be dumb and Frederick was automatically expected to be uneducated due to the fact that he was a slave, and that slaves were to not have an education.Both of them took the negative aspects of their life and made them positive. Doing this eventually led the both of them into having successful lives. By taking the time to educate themselves and better their knowledge, Alexie became a well-known writer, and Douglass an abolitionist leader and speaker. Alexie and Douglass proved that ignorance is bliss, and showed that judging someone without knowing who they are or what they are capable of will do nothing but prove you wrong. Nobody has the right to ignorantly make assumptions about a person or their lives.This just goes to show how knocking someone down will make them come back ten times as strong. For Alexie and Douglass, education was their main obstacle in life. They lived through how an education can either make or break you depending on the situation. What it comes down to is whether or not you are willing to achieve further and harder than to listen to what others think they have to say about your success. Although both achieved success in a different outcome than another, they are both great examples of how each had a similar upbringing down to their determination for success.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Research one of the formulas in Statistics that we will cover and Project

Research one of the formulas in that we will cover and discuss the relevancy and application to the program - Statistics Project Example Probability can either be experimental of theoretical. The formula for calculating probability is the number of successful outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes in an event. While experimental probability is based on observations from past events or an experiment, theoretical probability relies on expectations due to nature of events (Brockopp and Tolsma, 2003). The relevance of the formula for finding probability is realized in nursing research, evidence based practice and administrative decision making such as determination of best practices. In determining probability of success of a nursing practice, probability helps in making decision on whether a practice should be adopted or not. The probability concept also helps in selection the best out of available practices by offering likelihood of success in each practice. Probability is therefore relevant to the nursing profession because it forms a basis for decision making in selection of nursing practices. It can be applied in any decision making process that is evidence based. This is because it relies on experiments or proved occurrences to offer predictions (Brockopp and Tolsma,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Illegal Immigrants in United States Research Paper

Illegal Immigrants in United States - Research Paper Example According to statistics from 2006, immigrants originate mostly from North America, with a few exceptions, such as the 12% from Asia and 8% from South America (Colton-Sonnenberg, pp.4). The topic of illegal immigration, however, is more complex than it appears to be, since there is misinformation, opposing views as well as lack of information about certain matters (Haines & Rosenblum, pp.1). Furthermore, the legal, moral, and economic aspects add controversy to this topic, resulting in its frequent debate in the matter of politics. Not everyone sees it as a terrible crime however. Some consider it a harmless situation, since illegal immigration provides cheap labor to the US citizens. However, since these immigrants often end up draining the fiscal resources of the country, their presence is not favorable, making those people suffer, who have a lower socio economic standing in society (APRA, 2006). Although immigration brings prosperity to the country in terms of contribution of skilled individuals, as well as enriched cultural diversity, however, illegal immigration has been causing economic, social, and cultural losses to the country. In this regard, the paper will look at different aspects of illegal immigration to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the issue. In particular, illegal immigrants are those people who enter a country undocumented, live there without any formal documentation and authorization, or are living there longer than the authorization. Such immigration occurs in every country, though not with the same high frequency as in the United States. These immigrants are usually from developing countries such as the Philippines, India, and Korea. They perform arranged marriages solely to get a green card, not caring about having a compatible spouse to live with. In addition, after settling down, they create several problems for the US government by engaging in several crimes such as drug trafficking, violent acts and robberies (Edmonston, pp. 45-50). Some illegal immigrants, however, are simply those people who entered the country through legal means, for example as a student, tourist, or businessperson, and then outstayed their allowed time, thus becoming illegal immigrants. They only make up around 1.5 percent of the US populat ion, as research shows. However, their presence in the US has a significant effect on the economy. In addition, since the country often requires specific skills and knowledge from different parts of the world, they are high in demand. In fact, the highly developed lifestyle, economy, and environment of the US often tempt these immigrants into wanting to stay in the country despite their expired visas. Thus, they succumb to becoming illegal citizens (Srivastava, pp-18). The table below divides these immigrants according to the states in which they illegally reside: Names of the State Number of Immigrants California New York Texas Florida New jersey Arizona Georgia Virginia Washington North Carolina Michigan 343,693 159,126 134,597 122,430 60,361 28,918 28,376 28,340 27,301 26,903 24215 (Hansen, pp-64) These results show how the illegal