Sunday, August 25, 2019

Job Satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Job Satisfaction - Essay Example (1) Job satisfaction of the employees, and retaining them has become a growing concern in business organizations with the need to be more competitive, as a result of the growing globalization being witnessed. This stems from the belief that satisfied employees tend to be more productive, creative, and committed to the organization. There is evidence from the field of healthcare that job satisfaction among employees tend to make the healthcare organization more competitive in a market noted for its high rate of competitiveness. This competitiveness is through the improvement in quality and cost-effectiveness of satisfied employees. (2) Any discussion on job satisfaction needs to take into consideration the positive and negative factors of job satisfaction. According to Hezberg et al 1959, the positive factors known as motivators are achievement, recognition, the job responsibilities itself, and advancement opportunities. Negative factors known as hygiene factors include supervisors, fellow workers, company policy, workplace environment, and personal life. These findings of Hezberg et al were supported by studies conducted at the workplace, where workers were asked to present their perspectives of critical incidents that had occurred, but this remained the only manner in which the theory was supported. Wall et al in 1971, on the basis of confidentially collected data from workers, found that ego-defensive processes were responsible for the findings of Hezberg et al. These processes led to good events being the result of one’s own achievements, and bad events the due to the failings as a result of others. Thi s led to the general discarding of the Hezberg et al theory. However a subsequent study conducted in 1971, and as reported by Argyle, found relevance in the theory of Hezberg et al. This research on joy in workers found that while achievement was important, relationships

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