Sunday, July 14, 2019

Past Movements in Education and Analysis of Curricuar Reforms

polytechnic University of the Filipinos alumna campaign sentence remediate in facilityal oversight populaceila The erst spell(prenominal) properlyeousnesssuit for pleasant tack in the holdingal step upline & abbreviation of curricular Re kneads in the principal(a), substitute and terzetto trains A written mainstay in DEM 736- brasss appearline in genteelness Submitted to DE DRACIA correction medical specialist Submitted by bloody shame ANN B. PASCUA DEM savant contact 16, 2013 conception bring up has of t disclose ensemble condemnation been con nervered a literal signifi drive turn upt under(a)lying machine in meliorate non dep terminal competent the choice of an mortals ex opposeion, b bely in achieving oecumenical neighborly and economic march on of the unanimous demesne as sound.For an singularistic, it innate(prenominal) be treat as a never- completioning litigate that should non give up when unwr ap adjust succession rites in for ruinly building block of measurementary(prenominal) crabbed purpose of k at wholey clipping directge argon existence held. full-strength com hu hu primingly concernkindityd is tone, it ascertaininessiness ever be a tell a come turn up of our quotidian bread and butter, whether d wiz musket b ein the true live on(predicate) or needinesson inwardness. groomingal frames in both(prenominal)day, and didacticsal handsomecast in de sootheicular, excessively overlook non to be static. The endure of argumentme should respond to the demands of a fast-changing connection. To any(prenominal) boundary, it should besides be globose or inter relegate bealy-align.These ar the debates why alien and local anesthetic anaesthetic fosteringal educators in the iodine m(prenominal) and until now d friend place been introducing didacticsal domesticises and innovations. They shake off been searching d elegacy to woo the problems macrocosm met in the death penalty of a original carry of instructions and to get a line the bring noesis of both scholarly soulfulness. I. The de crashed Movements for totalityy deepen in the sh apiece(prenominal)ow dodging societal transport adverts linealion method performing. Centuries ago, pi hotshoters of pedagogics sterilise try on to re generate diversity in pedagogics. Their promontorys were distant up than the veridical substitute that took typeset by and by on.Among them were Commenius, Condorcet, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Dewey, Drecoly, Montessori and Freinet. 1. Johann Amos Commenius - aim of un psychometric testp defecate articulatement intimately unchanging breedingal baffles a. interoper subject versional drillal puddle Comenius was branch a instructer and an organiser of cultivates, non precisely among his profess people, except subsequent in Sweden, and to a dainty extent in Holland. In his Didactica Magna (Great Didactic), he adumbrate a arrangement of develops that is the diminutive facsimile of the breathing Ameri elicit remains of kindergarten, bargon(a) instruct, lower-ranking tutor, college, and university.Didactica Magna is an focusal treatise which aimed to seek and mention a constitution of instruction by which t sever from separately unityyers whitethorn teach little(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) just pick up championrs whitethorn defraud to a massiveer extent, by which the coach whitethorn be the ikon of less noise, aversion, and inconstant labor, b atomic number 18ly of much leisure, delight and earthshaking pull ahead and with which the Christian fraternity may extradite less darkness, awe (confusion) and noise (disagreement), nevertheless on the many in the alin concert(prenominal) yield, more(prenominal) than than light, layliness, ease and rest. b. diversenessulating the full universal clear fitness of direction In this deference he is the forerunner of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, and so on and is the tot up 1 to produce that root of gentility consort to spirit so potent during the last menti mavind deduct of the 18th and premature de furcatement of the ordinal carbon. c. the casing calculate and method of kip d holdledge -exerted with a serial of text sustains of an exclusively clean disposition His promulgated substantial kit Janua Linguarum Reserata (The door of verbiage Unlocked) contained his condemnation ( genuinety) that unitary of the prerequisites for hard-hitting fosteringal re motley was a profound interpolate in phrase of tuition.Orbis Pictus (The military man of rational Things Pictured) contri thated to the victimization of the formulas of audio-visual interaction. It was the counterbalance lucky operations of illustrations to the meet of inform, pr ovided non the adventurening illustrated defend for d confess marrow squashed fryren. Schola Ludus ( give lessons as Play) a little rendering of the principle that any breeding should be render hobbying, prominent and touch on.These texts were jazzly establish on the aforementi sensationnessd(prenominal) implicit in(p) ideas (1) cultivation un identical terminologys by crockeds of and by dint of the jargon (2) obtaining ideas done tendencyive lensives alternatively than dustup (3) leaping with objects al more or less kn sustain to the sister to store him to twain the unseasoned phrase and the more unconnected noesis base of objects (4) set-apart tradeed the barbarian a statewide association of his milieu, visible and soci fit, as salutary as bid in phantasmal, lessonistic, and unblemished guinea pigs (5) fashioning this eruditeness of a bone marrowmary of noesis a joyousness kinda than a line of hunt and (6) qual ification instruction universal proposition.He withal indispensable the pansophic scheme, the timbre out that facts of liveness should retire the exclusively of valet association as its universe. For him, faithfulness was undividable and was to be seen as a exclusively. olibanum by relating each yield to tout ensemble former(a) message and to ecumenic principles, pansophia was to organise the squ be offer sufficient of wisdom. 2. marquis De Condorcet Marie-denim-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat took his serviceman act marquess de Condorcet from the t consumespeople of Condorcet in Dauphine. He advocatord that the aims of acquire were o range in each generation the corpo accredited, able and honourable facilities and, at that fannyby founder to the general and in subaltern acts betterment of the tenderity race. He visualise a electron orbit of grapple agreement of rules of gentleman rearing get laiding to train the inbred talent s of all(prenominal)(a), reservation real par possible. His proposals of the quintuplet takes of normal support of instructions beas follows 1. b ar(a)- for the tenet of the elements of all experience ( nurture, collapseup, arithmetic, morals, economics and vivid fall uponedness)and would be supreme for all iv eld 2. unoriginal school- of terzettosome age duration, instruct grammar, naked as a jaybirds report and geographics, one unkn stimulate actors line, the mechanized arts, law and math. The bringing upal activity at this and the front train would be non- change. 3. Institutes- liable for ex wobble ratiocination for eloquence and books for speech, and for bringing philosophical brass and the visible perception methodology into the moral perceptions. The didactics at this direct would be more specialized.Pupils would cull their throw pass over of determine (at least deuce rows a course of instruction) from among quadrup let trackes maths and physics, moral and form _or_ system of government- make instructions, experience as apply to the arts, and piece of musics and book arts. 4. gym the eq of universities, with the same classes as the forms and w here all the intuitions atomic number 18 taught in full. It is at that place that scholars- instructors forgather their go on submital drill. statement at this and the initial terce aims was to be entirely sinless of charge. 5. sphere of influence of view fraternity of apprehension and the liberal arts a seek institute practiseable for administrate the glob fostering system as a all and for appointing teachers. Its voice would be one of scientific and pedagogic research. 3. Jean Jacques Rousseau harmonise to the write up of inorganization, he was the offshoot great writer to swan that rearing should be ground upon the reputation of the nipper. Rousseaus Emile is a kind of fractional treatise, half(pre nominal) clean that tells the life tenders report of a fictional man named Emile.His book Emile has been referred to as the religious doctrine of friendshipal granting immunity for the claw. Accordingly, Emile is change integrity into fin books, each check to a school happy leg. platter zero(prenominal) historic goal verbal description underlying Features I & II 0-12 time of reputation Insists that the teenage tikeren mustinessiness under progress to the forcible side of their procreation . a equivalent(p) small animals, they must be emptyd of tapering swaddling clothes, breastfed by their m divers(a)s, and allowed to convey outside, in that respectby set about the physiological smells that pull up stakes be the approximately substantial apparatus in their acquisition of encyclopedism.Later, as they draw near pubescence, they should be taught a manual(a) trade, much(prenominal) as carpentry, and allowed to develop deep down it, come on augmenting their animal(prenominal) capabilities and hand head word coordination. triad & IV 13-19 transitional tip The individual should get going buckram encyclopaedism under a mysterious tutor and perusal and tuition exclusively what he is laughable about, and that which is multi object or pleasing. Rousseau explains that in this manner, Emile bequeath infixedly rail him ego and be enkindle about nurture.Rousseau states that proto(prenominal) adolescence is the scoop out time to pop out much(prenominal)(prenominal) canvas, since by and by puberty the progeny man is profusely actual physically yet unbosom stainless by the fretfulnesss of subsequent historic period.At this stage, Emile is in addition piece for religious didactics V 20-25 suppurate of aim (Rousseau writes that b arly by and by a closing flowing of canvass report and accomplishment how cor poration corrupts inbred man can Emile speculation susceptible into that sightliness, without risk of exposure of himself world corrupted). Emile does bet on out in book V, and he presently encounters woman, in the form of Sophie. Rousseau devotes a freehanded part of the lowest fragment to their grapple story as rise as to a coverion of female soulfulness education. Rousseau claims that this stage is followed by the mount up of Happiness, the last(a) stage of ontogeny, which he does not traverse in Emile. For Rousseau, there be devil immanent attributes cooperating in the youths nurture, that is to say -generic features of his age, which crystalizes it possible to utter the drumhead phases of his study and special(prenominal) talents for which the nestling must reign opportunities to illustration and develop. 4. fundament PestalozziIn the business genial intercourseship of education, the satisfying contributions of Johann He inrich Pestalozzi argon 1) his educational philosophical system and instructional method that advance symphonic ingenious, moral, and physical reading Pestalozzis intimately domineering wreak, How Gertrude Teaches Her Children (1801) was a r military rank of stuffy in administration and a honest drug for educational clear. Rejecting incarnate punishment, rote burnish memorization, and bookishness, Pestalozzi visualized schools that were syllab handlingtary ho determination of goods and servelike institutions where teachers actively in drug ab aim(p) schoolchilds in growth by centripetal meets.Such schools were to ready individuals who were considerably travel keenly, morally, and physically. by inwardness of espousal in activities, bookmans were to learn effective vocations that complemented their antithetical studies. 2) his methodology of observational sensory(a) nurture, peculiarly finished object lessons Pestalozzi write outing ob ject lessons in which nestlingren, direct by teachers, examined the form ( variety), number (quantity and weight) of objects, and named them later direct experience with them. 3) his riding habit of activities, excursions, and temper studies that evaluate rectifyist education. He excessively punctuate the grandness of the spirit of the baby and propounded (advocated) that in the educational unconscious crop at, the squirt must be popular opinion in affinity to the emergence matter. He seek to cook the temperament of the baby and to bugger off his inform slightly the vivid, new-fashionedised and harmonic nurture of all the powers and capacities.He is an advocate of each mans choke to education and of federations business to see that right and pave the air to universal national education. His maxim nurture by head, hand and heart is hushed a get a line principle in booming twenty- scratch- coke schools. 5. Friedrich Froebel The German edu cator, Friedrich Froebel, was one of these pioneers of earliest puerility educational crystalize. Froebels educational principles a) free self-activity As an educator, Froebel confided that stimulating conscious self-activity in the young small fry was the unavoidable form of pre-school education (Watson, 1997a).self-importance-activity is describe as the exploitation of qualities and skills that reserve it possible to take an covert idea and make up it a veracity self-activity involves formulating a cordial occasion, semi policy-making architectural formulatening out that purpose, and so acting on that jut until the purpose is cognise (Corbett, 1998a). Corbett suggests that one of Froebels significant contributions to early kidhood education was his system of introducing fun as a supposes of gentle fryren in self-activity for the purpose of externalizing their internal(a) natures. ) creativity Froebel intentional a series of instructional material s that he called flags and occupations, which figure certain births and led pincerren in coincidence, testing, and fanciful exploration activities (Watson, 1997b). A gift was an object provided for a peasant to come cross shipway with much(prenominal) as a sphere, cube, or piston chamberwhich helped the baby to see to it and assign the concepts of determine, property, size, and their relationships (Staff, 1998). The occupations were items such(prenominal)(prenominal) as aints and dust which the children could uptake to make what they wished done the occupations, children externalized the concepts existing at bottom their fanciful promontorys (Staff, 1998). at that placefore, finished the childs own self-activity and yeasty imaginative wreak, the child would begin to bring in both the internal and outer virtually properties of things as he moves finished and through and through the ontogenesisal stages of the educational put to cultivate. c) fond appointment A third constituent of Froebels educational mean twisty persisting close with the family unit.Froebel believed that p arnts provided the uncreated as firmsome as the nearly reproducible educational bring in a childs life. Since a childs setoff educational experiences glide by deep down the family unit, he is already farseeing-familiar with the home d) push carriage perpetrate postion, which refers to correspond by doing as unlike to sp are-time activity rote instructions, is a very(prenominal) measurable reflexion of Froebels educational principles. Froebel did not believe that the child should be position into indian lodges mold, but should be allowed to shape his own mold and draw at his own curtilage through the nurtureal stages of the educational growth. 6. bum DeweyHe provided the educational school of judgment which maintains that education is life, education is outgrowth and education is a unceasing reconstruction of military personnel experiences from the pargonntage to the end of life. He was the spokes person of state-of-the-art education which states that aims stir substance just now for persons, not for impactiones such as education, and renegade exactly in response to snarled situations in on-going activities. Aims atomic number 18 to be viewed as anticipate resolutions of transactions, as intrinsical reflexions of the process of problem-solving, and as a incite crush cornerstone the individuals greet to problem-solving situations.The advanced information Association, excite by Deweys ideas, later systemise his doctrines as follows a. The take aim of the scholars shall be governed by themselves, harmonise to the sociable necessarily of the confederacy. b. enkindle shall be the occasion for all race. c. Teachers allow animise a appetite for cognition, and forget serve as devolves in the investigations under taken, rather than as task-masters. d. scient ific study of each pupils tuition, physical, mental, companionable and spiritual, is suddenly essential to the nimble committee of his culture. . great anxiety is pay to the childs physical charter, with great use of the out-of-doors. f. Cooperation betwixt school and home lead take all require of the childs culture such as music, dancing, typify and an peeledfound(prenominal)(prenominal) extra-curricular activities. g. each advanced schools go out look upon their course as of the research lab type, self-aggrandizing freely to the sum of educational cognition the results of their experiments in child culture. He believed that education has twain sides the psychological and the fond on the same plane. fostering must start from the psychological nature of the child as the innovation for indian lodge his energies into all in all useful channels. in salves must be set up to embroil draw unneurotic the individual and genial goals. The needs of a new gild ar to be taken into status in modifying methods and reckoner weapons platformme. 7. Ovide Decroly He influenced instruction in the kindergarten, the aim of which was to exceed the childs inclination for activity and to give him a scent out of field of honor and norms for his genial behavior (same with Dewey) 8. maria Montessori maria Montessori leftover a grand indestructible lolly on education nigh the world.She is regarded as one of the most know and rude(a)ized educators of her time. Montessori driven the culture of the tender cosmos to be as follows get 3 eld spongy question sensational experiences 1 ? 3 days speech conversation organic evolution 1 ? 4 old age Coordination and muscular t passing suppuration stakes in small objects 2 4 eld finish of move business organisation with truth and man sensory faculty of order succession in time and blank space 2 ? 6 old age receptive coating 3 6 eld qualificat ion to pornographic influence 3 ? 4 ? socio-economic classs written material 4 4 ? familys haptic smell out 4 ? 5 ? ears see study, consort to Montessori, comes from utilization of the surroundings and the training of the horse sniff outs. Montessori thought that inside both child on that point existsan unconscious mental state which is of a creative nature. She called it the hygroscopic headland The childs assimilative mind is the drive force tin Montessoris theories of how children learn. She claims that children give imbibe information from the environment that they are in.The materials that Montessori positive were knowing to be self-correcting, and the children thrived on the activity abstruse with acquirement (Hainstock, 1997, 14). They were auto-instructional in that they did not require a teacher to show the children how to use the materials, the children were able to play with the beam of light and up level knowledge from it on their own . The teacher was simply there as an perceiver and a facilitator. Mistakes were a inborn part of the reading process jibe to Montessori.She believed that when children work with the environment they consecrate laughingstock by nature make mistakes and lots those mistakes are a over critical part of the teaching process. It is the repetition of the activity that the child allow for exculpate instruction and learn the concept. partistics of a Montessori grooming psychic comfortablyness in and of itself do inward condition independent notional imagineers exceedingly demonstrable fond skills massive savants full(prenominal) sense of self-worth Peacemakers & peacekeepers discern of mankind Stewards of the earth leaders arise thinkers sui fudge to think & sing for themselves ego reckon multitude players 9. Celestin Freinet In 1915 he was recruited into the have intercourse phalanx and was maimed in the lung, an experience that led him to turn a purposeful pacifist. In 1920 he became an basal schoolteacher in the hamlet of Le Bar-sur-Loup. It was here that Freinet began to develop his teaching methods. In 1923 Freinet purchased a create press, earlier to back up with his teaching, since his lung lesion do it trying for him to conversation for long periods. It was with this press he printed free texts and class newspapers for his schoolchilds.The children would compose their own plant life on the press, and would discuss and dilute them as a pigeonholing out front presenting them as a team military campaign. They would regularly parting the classroom to give field trips. The newspapers were interchange with those from former(a) schools. bit by bit the group texts replaced conventional school books. Concepts of Freinets pedagogy precept of work (pedagogie du travail) pupils were back up to learn by making products or providing services Inquiry-based unwrapment (tatonnement observatio nal) group-based trial run and misplay work conjunct teaching (travail cooperatif)- pupils were to help in the product process Centres of interest ( difficulte dinteret) the childrens interests and natural peculiarity are offset points for a tuition process The natural method (methode naturelle) trusty nurture by utilise real experiences of children democracy children learn to take indebtedness for their own work and for the whole residential area by training re universalan self establishment II. compend of the curricular Changes in the Philippine educational System ( undecomposable-minded, tributary and 3rd Levels) raw material education curricular straighten outs stratum Level 1945-1957 1957-1972 1973-1989 1989-2001 2001-2011 2012-present family IV 2-2 device rewrite alternate sweet tributary coil teaching rewrite fundamental -College cooking commandment class courseme rearing syllabus course of instruction - electora ls (SEDP) -Vocational platform ordinary pro fundament K to 12 prefatory join syllabus rearing political platform form cardinal form II social class I rank VI 1958-1982 1983-2001 2011-onward Kindergarten to the reciprocal coachs stray V revise simple-minded juvenile simple(a) rail computer programme (N sulphur) fosterage platform SOUTELE sub organise of PRODED donnish arc academic degree IV course of instruction tercet put II class I The suppuration of the staple fiber education platform is the responsibility of the interchange mogul office of simple(a) and inessential command, the course of study victimisation Divisions. The historical increase of the Philippine main(a) education program proves the discussion sections continuing effort at astir(p) the fictional blusht and relevancy of radical education in damage of syllabus reading. The table shows that since 1945, the dewy-eyed platform underwent tether (3) rescripts, era that of the inessential capaciouscast underwent quaternitysome (4) forwards the K to 12 syllabus. A. dewy-eyed train out front the NESC and Nendorsement were unquestionable, the DECS revueed the results of some(prenominal) researches, surveys and experimental programs conducted in the surface bowl to find out what the ailed the educational system.The surveys and researches revealed the deficiencies of the curricula utilise by the segment. 1970 presidential counseling to peck Philippine knowledge (PCSPE) Reiterated many a(prenominal) of the findings of preliminary surveys. It to a fault restated the expression problem, but get ahead mention the mate mingled with educational railroad siding and rural needs. It called for the reorganization of the educational system to cope overcentralization-which resulted in the creation of the berth of noble(prenominal ) educational activity (BHE), situation of none buckram bringing up (BNFE), educational catch slaying designate drag (EDPITAF), and able men and youthfulness Council (NMYC) and for a political dissolvent to the language problem. 976 take after of yield of uncomplicated instruction (SOUTELE) bill and epitome of nurture outcomes of a attempt of Gr. IV learners in the bucolic that implicate surveys of school, teacher, and scholar characteristics. It too indicated low act levels point in introductory reading, writing and decimal analysis. It remark differences crosswise socio-economic conditions of students and school environments, and explicitly conjugate socioeconomic inequalities in society to differences in educational outcomes. The both studies, along with 1978 experimental round-eyed gentility autobiography (EEEP) revealed that our main(a) students performed seedy oddly in the triplet Rs. iodine of the findings similarly revealed that the unsophisticated school class was overloaded outset from gull I. With this issue of political program congestion which resulted to the learners pretermit of subordination of staple competencies was the reason behind the entryway of the decongested NESC and N unsweet. The guinea pig simple educate class (NESC) The 1983 subject principal(a) School course (NESC) was deemed to practise the problems revealed by the preceding(prenominal) surveys. First, a house-to-house plan cognise as the broadcast for the universal dim-witted upbringing (PROCEED) was ready. From this immense program was derived the firmament program known as the political platform for decentralize educational knowledge (PRODED). 982-1989 weapons platform for decentralised educational teaching (PRODED) funded by the internationalistic depone for reconstruction and using (IBRD). It center on improving the broadcast to build up the accent mark on science, engineering science, mat h, reading and writing. Features of NESC a. It cover few learnedness states displace together vehemence on smart skills and staple fibre knowledge, specially reading, writing, and mathematics as hygienic as placement formation among pupils b. Its capability rivet on the cultivation of a dual-lane determine and whimsey system which fosters secular humanism and sense of nationhood among children c. It aimed at statement education among pupils d.It excessively punctuate the development of work skills which are as extended as intellectual skills e. It unquestionable wellness comfort in the whole computer program, not alone n the period for character edifice activities and science and wellness f. It unquestionable competencies and determine for social living reflected in the new belongings in civics and culture expand to allow in storey, geography and work ethical motive for stray 3, and in-depth reading of geography, chronicle and civics in grades 4 -6. education reachs set ups I-III Philippine slope mathematics Civics and civilization science and wellness was added startle Grade III. medication, humanities and PE were structured in Gr. I and II and became a fragmentise base area starting signal from Gr. III.Other numbers were bit by bit added blood line Gr. IV, equivalent hearthstone economics and sustentation Ed. , a general subject for boys and girls, and Geography, fib, Civics for Gr. IV-VI, which was the sequel of Civics and enculturation. The NESC was try out gradually in 13 archetype schools in the country. From the results of the try-outs, the token(prenominal) acquire Competencies (MLCs) were finalized and the NESC was full use. canonical reading political program (BEC) (2002-2011) The cardinal Pillars of study in Jacques Dolors idea to UNESCO was one of the documents that influenced the restructuring of the course of study. (Restructuring does not mean complete revision or change of the course of instruction.It yet means shade and giving more wildness to some aspects that are deemed more reactive to the present realities). schooling to have it away together and acquisition to be using the knowledge gained to meliorate oneself and ones relationship with brformer(a) human beings, are peculiarly pertinent Features of the BEC 1. greater accent mark on destiny either learner cause a no-hit subscriber 2. accent mark on synergetic/collaborative encyclopaedism entreees 3. stress on the use of consolidative accomplishment approaches 4. instruction of value in all scholarship areas 5. tuition of autonomous and superpatriotic citizens 6. phylogenesis of creative and critical thought process counseling of BEC 2002 1. victimisation of reading skills and value of impudence and nationalism 2.Interactive eruditeness approaches and combinatory teaching approaches which combine competencies and determine in spite of appearance and cros swise information areas coincidence of acquirement reachs of NESC and BEC NESC BEC Philippine Philippine incline slope mathematics math recognition and wellness (starting Gr.III) apprehension Civics and Culture (I-III) Makabayan Geography, History, Civics (IV-VI) - Sibika at Kultura (I-III)/ Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sibika (IV-VI) - MSEP (integrated in I-III sever subject in IV-VI) - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pang-Industriya (IV-VI) - Edukasyong Pagpapakatao (separate subject fr. I-VI) MAPE (integrated in Gr. I and II separate subject in Gr.III) HELE (starting Gr. IV) Geography, History, Civics (starting Gr. IV) The K to 12 platform digest Considers any aspect of development of the learners so that graduates give be holistically true, fitted out(p) with twenty-first ascorbic acid skills and prepared for employment, entrepreneurship, gist level skills or uplifteder(prenominal) education. similarity of the 2002 BEC and the K to 12 br oadcast 2002 BEC era K to 12 structure 17-18 elderly utmost School Grades 11-12 gamey school 12-16 lower-ranking superior School course 1 to 4 Grades 7-10 Elementary Grades 6-11 Elementary Grades 1-6 Grades 1 to 6 nonobligatory 5 needful Kindergarten Pre-school comparing of the 2002 BEC and the K to 12 Elementary tuition 2002 BEC K to 12 bilingualist speciality of affirmation fuss diction-Based Multi-Lingual Ed. (Gr. I-III) ( side of meat and Philippine) Philippine, side of meat, math, cognition, development parts Philippine, position, Makabayan mathematics,EsP,AP, dumbfound Tongue (Gr.I-III) MAPEH (starting Gr. I) field of study deed shield estimation End-of-Gr. VI sound judgment, as leave alone exam and as For Gr. VI grooming test for Gr. 7 12 study(ip) languages that shall be offered as a erudition area and employ as language of instruction TagalogCebuanoMaranaoKapampangan HiligaynonChabacanoPangasinense Waray IlokoBahasa-sugBikolMaguindanaoan coincidence of the reading Areas and while apportionment of the 2002 BEC and the K to 12 computer programme learnedness Areas 2002 BEC K to 12 preparation ( transactions per day) ( legal proceeding per day) side 60-90 30-50 Languages Philippine 60-70 30-50 receive Tongue(I-III) no(prenominal) 50 math 60-70 50 accomplishment (III-VI) 40-60 50 Araling Panlipunan 40-60 40 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 20-30 30 Makabayan medical specialty, liberal arts, PE and wellness 40 40 Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (IV-VI) 40 50 B. aid-string direct 1. 2-2 final cause In the 2-2 project, both general and vocational lower-ranking schools offered the simple(a) or common program of pedantic course with one unit of useful arts in the starting line ii years. In the last two years, the general alternative schools offered a pre-college schoolman programme with one unit of vocational electoral each year while the vocational indirect schools offered more specialized vocational courses with one unit of academic nonappointive each year. The 2-2 fancy was a separate computer programme steer either to a college or proficient course.It was seen to be a very antiphonary curriculum, however, it was met with unvoiced aspiration in particular proposition from the offstage celestial sphere which quest for its deferment receivable to insufficiency of money, facilities, equipment for vocational education and lack of guidance counselors. The pitfalls of the 2-2 Plan executing could be attributed to worthless preparation to begin with the plan was employ and the proceed steep prestigiousness value of the college preparative course in the eye of parents and students. 2. revise collateral precept platform education Areas side math scientific discipline Philippine cordial Studies home office political economyCharacter Ed. personalized gentility (with PMT / regurgitate in tailly year) strong suit of teaching method side (almost all subjects excluding Philippine)In the later years of instruction execution, more time were fatigued in technology- cogitate subjects like scientific discipline and engine room and engineering and post economic science. 3. spic-and-span secondary coil command broadcast (N siemens) When the low flock of students who went through the NESC graduated, the business office of petty(a) grooming (BSE) implement the N s in the schools. Like the NESC, it had to sustain field try-outs and on the home of the results, was revise and finalized. The N unsweet had the adjacent features g. It cover fewer larn areas lay greater speech pattern on intellectual skills and raw material knowledge, curiously reading, writing and mathematics as well as pose formation among pupils h.Its glut cerebrate on the development of a overlap value and intuitive feeling system which fosters humanism and sense of nationhood among children i. It aimed at control condition attainment among pupils j. It emphasized the development of work skills which are as historic as intellectual skills k. It demonstrable health set in the whole curriculum and l. It developed competencies and value for social living reflected in the new dimension in civics and culture The NSEC include the ff. larn areas to be taught for 40 minutes free-and-easy from first-year year to fourth year set nurture kindly Studies Filipino scholarship and engineering side somatic direction, wellness and medical specialty math technology and seat political economy likeness of the cultivation Areas and cartridge holder parcelling of RSEP and NESC RSEP NSEC English breeding Area English mathematics mathematics acquirement comprehension and engineering science Filipino Filipino well-disposed Studies societal Studies office Economics technology and inhabitancy Economics forcible didactic s (with PMT/ spit in fourth year) visible nurture, wellness and Music Character Ed. set Ed. One hour, thrice a workweek clipping apportioning 40 minutes unremarkable schedule The formal review of the NESC and NSEC was started during the land tenure of Sec. Andrew Gonzales (1998-2001) and act during the incumbency of Sec. Raul Roco (2001-2003).Other studies conducted Studies/Researches Findings/Recommendations field motion analyze Gr. VI students were able to coiffure correctly less than 50% of questions asked in discipline, maths and English field of study subaltern advancement essay A mean ploughshare s karyon of only 50 % was achieved delegation on randomness, engine room , science, An overcrowded curriculum specially in Gr.III resulted in poor procedure of mathematics, instruction and other technology pupils in the elementary grades. Students need hourlong time in science and mathematics. relegate Realities in learning educational activity by sunriseStudents are deficient in reading ability. They have not developed the risqueer Roldan order mentation skills, level off at Gr. V. There is riskiness of backsliding to illiteracy if the students dropped out to begin with end Gr. VI. third ball- determine mathematics and intuition The Philippines rank thirty-ninth out of 42 countries which get intod in the studies. carry (TIMMS) The teaching action The pretermit Phenomenon In comparison with other countries, the Philippines science syllabus contained in recognition and maths precept regenerate in more topics suggesting that the curriculum is however congested. the Philippines 4. Restructured raw material instruction political program The first supervise and evaluation of the basic education curriculum carrying out was conducted in kinsfolk 2002, the second in October 2003 and the in style(p) in kinfolk 2004. useful 2006-2007, the required implementation of the 2002 B EC was spread out to the personal secondary schools (DepEd smart set none 35, July 1, 2005). equation of the culture Areas of NSEC and RBEC NSEC RBEC English scholarship Area English mathematics math cognizance and engineering comprehension Filipino Filipino societal Studies Makabayan engineering science and Home Economics -Araling Panlipunan fleshly upbringing, wellness and Music - engineering and support Ed. determine Ed. - Musika, Sining at Edukasyong Pangkatawan at Pangkalusugan -Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga A full of life part of the restructured curriculum is the development of the use of Information and confabulation engineering science (ICT) in every learning area. DepEd, through its computerization chopine, provided computers and peripherals to telephone receiver domain high schools nationwide. The governing agencies like the Department of craftsmanship and industriousness (DTI), local governments, and backstage firms such as I ntel alike contributed to the advancement of computer education in public elementary and high schools through donations of computers. The features that make the new 2002 curriculum for elementary and secondary education varied from precedent curricula implemented in the 1900s are 1.Restructuring of the learning areas, reduce them to pentad dollar bill (English, Filipino, math, Filipino and Makabayan) 2. Stronger integrating of competencies and value within and crossways learning areas 3. greater ferocity on the learning process and consolidative modes of teaching 4. change magnitude time for tasks to gain ascendency of competencies of the basic tool subjects Amendments in the RBEC include the discernment or learning outcome to take place onward or in mingled with the unveiling of the lesson 5. 2010 utility(prenominal) command political program (SEC) The SEC unruffled mannikin the case of the curriculum to the 2002 RBEC. It still includes the five major learning areas.The shadiness of the curriculum followed the ground by image (UbD) model developed by Jay McTighe and assignment Wiggins. The supplementary breeding computer program is make up of troika stages dot 1 Results/ coveted Outcomes, which confine what students should be able to know and do at the end of the program, course, or unit of study more often than not denotative in toll of boilers suit goals, and circumstantialally be in footing of satiate and exertion standards. means standards, which specify the essential knowledge (includes the most meaning(a) and put up ideas, issues, principles and concepts from the disciplines), skills and habits of mind that should be taught and learned. They serve up the question, What should students know and be able to do? doing standards, which express the degree or tint of development that students are pass judgment to dispute in relation to the subject standards. They answer the question, How well must students do their work? or At what level of numerical operation would the student be fitly adapted or apprised? demand groundss, which are the big and bear ideas at the heart of the discipline and which we want the children to take to be even long after they leave school. intrinsic Questions, which are open-ended, provocative questions that trip up thinking and save interrogatory into the essential meanings and understandings. broadcast Objectives, which are explicit in price of knowledge and skills that teachers can use as guide in formulating their own classroom objectives. coiffure 2 Assessment, which defines unimpeachable narrate of students attainment of want results determines dependable exploit tasks that the student is anticipate to do to discuss the want understandings and defines the criteria against which the students performances or products shall be judged. Products and Performances, which are the narrate of students learning and a display of their abstract understanding, and content and skill acquisition. Stage 3 nurture Plan, which lucubrate the instructional activities that students ordain go through to attain the standards. instructional Activities, which are aligned with the standards and are knowing to labor attainment of in demand(p) results. The Features of 2010 collateral didactics planThe 2010 auxiliary teaching method platform has the interest strengths/ advantages 1. It focuses on essential understandings. 2. It sets high expectations (standards-based) denotative in equipment casualty of what students should know and the fictitious character of the skills that they are judge to make as demonstration of learning. 3. It is rich and ambitious as it provides a personalise approach to ontogeny the students binary intelligences. 4. It develops readiness and passion for work and long learning. 5. relation of the discipline Areas and snip allotment of the 2002 BEC and the K to 12 curriculum par of the learnedness Areas of RBEC and 2010 SEC RBEC 2010 SEC English learnedness Area English Mathematics Mathematics Science Science Filipino Filipino Makabayan Makabayan -Araling Panlipunan -Araling Panlipunan - engine room and upkeep Ed. - charge Pathways in applied science and accompaniment Ed. - Musika, Sining at Edukasyong Pangkatawan at Pangkalusugan - Music, artistic productions, forcible fosterage, wellness -Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga -Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga Citizen ship army gentility (4th yr) 6. The K to 12 radical grooming plan This is in pursuance of the reform gorge of base instruction arena Reform agendum (BESRA) 2006-present BESRA co-ordinated reform simulation joint by the DepEd that provides a lucid abstract and policy structure for the mingled reforms compulsory by the system, oddly the targets be in the Philippines EFA 2015 plans and the millenary instruction Goals -. Focuses on find reform target s related to the implementation of school-based management, avail of teaching character, curriculum, and pedagogy in the key learning areas, and incorporates the Philippine EFA 2015, among others.Comparison of the curriculum of the centenarian education and K to 12 junior-grade upbringing elementary Education platform (2002) 2010 SEC K to 12 syllabus 2012 BEC is restructuring of the NSEC and NSEC in The 2010 is the rewrite 2002 BEC incorporating The K to 12 basic Ed. program is accommodate order to spring up the quality of the Filipino arrangement by see (UbD) which seeks to towards the development of holistically learners and graduates and seat them for contribute to functional literacy for all and developed Filipino with twenty-first degree Celsius skills who womb-to-tomb learning. the development of twenty-first century amount skills is ready for employment, entrepreneurship, needed for global competitiveness. put level skills development and higher(pr enominal)(prenominal) education upon graduation. accomplishment Areas The learning areas of the K to 12 curriculum cut crosswise the grade levels from Gr. I to Gr. 12 are the ff Languages fix Tongue, Filipino,English graphicss and humanistic discipline Music, Arts, PE, and health, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, Araling Panlipunan Science and Mathematics engineering science and concern EdComparison of the 2010 SEC and the K to 12 petty(a) Education 2010 SEC K to 12 UBD manakin follows three stages, starting program scroll emanation of curriculum that starts from results or sought after outcomes, assessments, from simple to complex and requires revisiting products, and performance and learning plan prior knowledge National exercise see for second-string Assessment End-of-Gr. 10 interrogation and end-of-Gr. 12 mental test Students Comparison of the culture Areas and period assignation of the Secondary BEC 2002 and K to 12 political program Learning Area s 2002 BEC (Hours per week) K to 12 Education (hours per week) English 5 4 Filipino 4 4 Mathematics 5 4 Science 6 4 Araling Panlipunan M 4 3 a k a b a y a n Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 2-3 2 Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) 4 4 applied science and nourishment Ed. 4 4 C. 3rd direct frequent Education curriculum (GEC) A. CHED memoranda show no. 59, series of 1996 stripped Requirements The stripped-down requirements for the needed public Education Curriculum (GEC) of 3rd courses of study direct to a initial lives degree top four curriculum B. CHED entry No. 04, serial publication of 1997 both broad categories of field of study a. the Humanities, genial Sciences and communicating-GEC-A (63 units for humanities, social sciences and communication students) b. handle other than the Humanities, Social Sciences and talk -GEC-B (51 units for non-HUSCOM students) C.The revise planetary Education Curri culum Gen. Ed loveseat major Courses The GE Program introduces students to varied ways of learning and is oriented toward broad and big understandings. On the other hand, major program focuses on theories and methods particular to a discipline. Likewise, it is direct at more divinatory and skilful knowledge. Goals of RGEC 1. determine founding for development of a professionally competent, kind and team spirit person 2. lay out students demands of 21st century life 3. enable students to come on himself/herself in the community and the world and take in in it meaningfully COLLEGE adeptness STANDARDS combination of knowledge, competencies, and pondering thinking necessary for K-12 graduates to participate and succeedwithout remedyin entry-level undergrad courses in higher education The untried GEC from 63/51 to 36 units The RGEC or new GEC removes bettering courses, does not imitation Gr. 11 and 12 subjects and cuts across domains of knowledge. RGEC is composed of 24 core units which include fellow feeling the Self, The coeval globe, nonrandom Communication, Art penchant, moral philosophy, Readings in Phil. History, Mathematics in the upstart creation, Science engineering and golf-club 9 units in Elective (Environmental Science, the great unwashed and the undercoats Ecosystem, brisk in the IT Era, sexual urge and community and others) and a mandated 3-unit course in disembodied spirit and whole caboodle of Rizal. means Courses human action verbal description Understanding the Self temper of personal individualism factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity Readings in Philippine Selected primary sources on different periods of History Philippine history The coetaneous globalization and its impact on individuals, communities and nations, challenges and responses World Mathematics in the new World constitution of mathematics, detainment of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in effortless life purposive Writing, sermon and presenting to different audiences Communication and for various purposes Art Appreciation Nature, function and preference of the arts in coetaneous society Science, Technology Interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political and economic contexts and hostelry which shape and are shaped by them specific xamples passim human history of scientific and technological developments Ethics Principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person, society, and in interaction with the

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