Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gilded Age Essay - 872 Words

P. J. O’Rourke said, â€Å"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If were looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldnt test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.† When Mark Twain and Charles Dudley coined the phrase ‘gilded age’ to describe what they saw in the late 19th century I’m sure they would agree wholeheartedly with Mr. O’Rourke. What does it mean ‘gilded age’? Gilded means to coat with a thin layer of gold, which I’m sure almost always is covering an inferior product. When one thinks of America one of the first thoughts that pop into mind is the American Dream. Achieving the impossible and pulling oneself up out of the mire and reaching a†¦show more content†¦While some saw the new wealth and growth as a positive thing in America, there were many who opposed it. None the less, it could be agreed upon by all that America was changing. During this period, while the rich were having expensive balls and buying more property than needed, the industrial workers struggled to survive the miserable conditions often shadowed by the nations sparkling disguise. Industrial wages were low and hours were long in factories that were typically dangerous and unhealthy. Probably one of the most detrimental things to happen to the industrial worker was the development of machines to do what skilled craftsmen use to. Using vertical integration, Andrew Carnegie created a steel empire. Vertical Integration is a business approach that increased profits by removing middlemen from the production line. This left many workers with few marketable skills and limited them for professional or social mobility. Likewise, John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company utilized horizontal integration, and put the other businesses out of business by selling one type of product in several markets, which created a monopoly. With these development s in the Industry it sparked the labor movements, as many workers became united to try and force the hand of industrial elite. The workers had little recourse by striking and left with nothing; many times the effortsShow MoreRelatedThe Gilded Age : An Analysis Of The Gilded Age793 Words   |  4 Pages The term Gilded age comes from Twain and Dudleys book named the Gilded Age. The world Gilded itself means something that is covered in gold but actually has nothing of value underneath. The gilded age was an attempt to fix a broken system after reconstruction had finished, but in reality it was just putting a blanket over the real problem. The gilded age was a good time for the higher ups, those who owned business or were in the government, they were able to benefit at the cost of American workersRead MoreThe Gilded Age1785 Words   |  8 PagesThe Unscrupulousness of the Avaricious The Gilded Age was a time in American history, from the 1870s to the 1890s, which ostensibly characterized the country based on its economic and technological advancements. However this era’s development served as a mere facade for the corruption and classism which occurred during the time. From economic manipulation to immorality in politics, the Gilded Age is best characterized by the unscrupulous nature of individuals who sought to attain superficial successRead MoreEntertainment in the Gilded Age1450 Words   |  6 Pagesentrepreneurs and business people of the time, because there was money to be made in this desire for amusement. Of course, this was not the whole story of the new Gilded Age, but it was definitely an era of growing leisure time and the business that came along with it. One of the most popular forms of entertainment during the Gilded Age was theater, particularly Vaudeville, which was a type of variety theater prominent in late 19th century America. Of course, similar types of variety shows had existedRead MoreThe Gilded Age Of America1621 Words   |  7 Pageshelp build and maintain a better America. The Gilded Age, during the late 1800’s, was a time in America where we experienced explosive economic growth, serious social problems, new innovative technology, and the rise of corporations and corruption in politics. We have learned from some of these things that we went through in the Gilded Age and fixed them, but we are still facing some of the problems we faced back then, today. During the Gilded Age, America experienced many economic and technologicalRead MoreThe Gilded Age And The Age Of Information1422 Words   |  6 PagesThe term the â€Å"Gilded Age† was coined by Mark Twain. â€Å"By this, he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath.† With its period of extreme economic growth, there was tremendous wealth, but only for the wealthy. The â€Å"Second Gilded Age,† which some say was brought on as the Information Age, brings a level of inequality to America that has never been seen before. Experts believe that this shift could kill the American dream. The Gilded Age and the Age of Information areRead MoreThe Progressive And Gilded Age914 Words   |  4 PagesThe Progressive and Gilded Age in America The Progressives were a group of reformers such as writers, politicians, and Social welfare advocate, etc. living mainly in cities during the early 20th century and working to change legislative issues, financial aspects, and good society. They accepted that change could originate from inside of man, and along these lines, dismisses the believe of Social Darwinism and regular determination. They were in charge of the section of many laws, including restrictionRead MoreAnalysis Of The Gilded Age1348 Words   |  6 PagesNew Spirits is a major text in Gilded Age historiography because Edwards encompasses social, political, and economic history, weaving them together into a cohesive narrative. Critics mention her lack of footnotes (but are quick to point out that her extensive â€Å"for further reading† sections help to balance this) and that her emphasis on cohesion may be overstated. Edward’s thesis is that the Gilded Age was not a patently bad time in American history , but that America underwent tremendous change, usheringRead MoreThe Era Of The Gilded Age1153 Words   |  5 Pagesthis time in history seemed progressive on many fronts, it was known as the â€Å"Gilded Age†. The Gilded Age was a three decade time in America that involved an expanding economy and a useless government. The thought of going to an American city, getting a job, and getting paid was ideal to most outsiders. The problem was, once they arrived and found a job, it was not as wonderful as it seemed . It was called the Gilded Age because, from the outside, everything looked wonderful, but on the inside itRead MoreGilded Age Dbq Essay1643 Words   |  7 PagesThe Gilded Age was the time of rapid economic growth for the United States. The period where little corporations turned into a millionaire company. The time of one of the most dynamic, contentious, and volatile periods in American history happened. National wealth increased dramatically but their was a problem for the poor and the farmers of the U.S. People may say that the Gilded Age was the era of corruption, harsh labor and brutal industrial competition, but others think that the Gilded Age isRead MoreThe Gilded Age By Mark Twain1300 Words   |  6 PagesSecond Gilded Age The Gilded Age is a term that is commonly used to describe the time period in American history in which the government â€Å"...was very favorable to the wealthiest Americans.† (Globalyceum Student Course Page 842) This period was named by the famous American author Mark Twain. Twain named this era the â€Å"Gilded Age,† because on the surface America seemed to be wealthy, but in reality it was falling into corruption and greed and was not at all wealthy. The â€Å"Second† Gilded age occurs right

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Government Implement Federal Student Loans And...

Over the course of this summer, we have discussed numerous policy situations and identified many policy problems. First of all, we learned about some basis definitions of a policy, and what are some of the different policy types from Professor Theodore J. Lowi, then we acquired a close look at how a policy is implemented, and how complicated is the whole process, concepts like stage heuristic and policy image, it has been extremely helpful throughout this course as well as in real life scenarios, therefore, in this essay, by using the knowledge and ideas acknowledged from this class, this essay will take a look at how government implement federal student loans and education budget, furthermore, this essay is going to explore how different political parties view this specific policy situation. In the United States, Student loan debt has recently reached an important milestone, during the year of 2010, total student loan has exceed the national credit card debt. Approximately a year later, outstanding student loan reached 1 trillion in total, however, this was anticipated decades ago, because unlike credit card debit, which only has a few months to pay off, student loan debt can take up to 10 years or more in order to pay off completely. Therefore, borrowing money from the federal government has become a regular tool for paying for universities these days. Aside from the federal loan implemented at federal level, there are various private loans for different needs, studentsShow MoreRelatedFeedback and Evaluation for a Federal Program to Give Student Loans674 Words   |  3 PagesThe Government as far back as the 1950s backed subsidized and unsubsidized student loans. However, over the years the cost of a college education has increased and has become a financial burden fo r some families as their debts began to rise. The U. S. Department of Education amended the Title IV of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 1965. Student loans are a form of financial aid that a student can receive while in college and consist of federal loans and private loans. The Internal andRead MorePoverty in the United States1413 Words   |  6 Pagescompetition for employment and as such it is very difficult to find adequate jobs. Considering that educated middle class citizens have difficulties in finding good jobs, one can only imagine what the inner-city poor go through in finding adequate jobs. Government funded welfare programs have also contributed to poverty as some poor people would rather receive payments from welfare programs rather than to take low paying jobs. This has caused debate over the effectiveness of the welfare program and whetherRead MoreTuition Fee Variation And Education1204 Words   |  5 PagesSita Lama Professor Hernandez ENGL 1302 23 April 2017 Tuition fees variation Education is the weapon to lead life of people towards progress as well as the nation. It plays important role in the life of people to become good scientist, doctor, engineer, businessman and teacher who give valuable contribution for the country and the world. About thirty-two million adult Americans cannot read. There are private and public colleges and universities in the United States. Private colleges are more expensiveRead MoreCollege Student Debt : Worth It Or Not?1789 Words   |  8 PagesProfessor Course Date College Student Debt: Worth It or Not? Introduction Most developed countries regard and guard their education systems since this platform is perceived to have the ability to hold a country together. This is especially so in the USA, where they aim at achieving 60% higher education attainment by 2025 (Cheny and Geoff 10). Such a milestone will not only affect the economy, but also the social aspect in life positively. However, rising costs of education always act as a major barrierRead MoreFinding Solutions to the Problems of Education Essay981 Words   |  4 PagesProblems of education connect to funding, teacher quality and the status of the teaching profession, student academic performance and standardized testing, racial imbalances, and equal educational opportunity. The lack of parental involvement seems to be a problem for education also. Parental involvement in their childs education makes them feel good about themselves. They usually have higher grades; higher test scores on standardized tests, classroom assessments and at ar rive at school all theRead MoreThe Financial Crises Of 20081702 Words   |  7 Pagesinto loans with complicated wording and fine print that requires a trained eye to see. That’s why so many people got duped into thinking that they have received cheap money with little down payment when the reality is that loan trapped them into paying high interest payments. There is no exact estimate of how much American taxpayers paid for the Federal Reserve to bail out these banks but it is believed to have been around 12.8 trillion dollars. Although banks have been caught doing shady loan dealsRead MoreShould Community Colleges Be More Accessible For Lower Income Households?1566 Words   |  7 Pageshigher forms of education. This issue on whether to focus and divert most of governmental funds to community colleges has sparked a lot of controversy throughout the nation. The United States is known as one of the most influential countries, with the strongest military defenses the world h as ever seen. But by pushing for lower tuition prices or even free college tuition it requires a decision that looks at all sides of the spectrum. Powerful men like Nelson Mandela have said, â€Å"Education is one of theRead MoreBarack Obama s New College Compact, And How The Compact Will Alleviate The Cost Barriers2157 Words   |  9 Pagesthe recession state spending on higher education has decreased by 20 percent, and colleges have raised tuition, passing the costs onto students and their families. This paper will analyze Hillary Clinton’s New College Compact, and how the compact will alleviate the cost barriers and allow for affordable, higher education. Using Standfort Moulton’s multilevel and effective policy implementation practices, this paper will discuss the merits of the plan and how well the College Compact attempts to solveRead MoreBackground Of Affordable Care Act1344 Words   |  6 PagesDescription of the Issue Background of Affordable Care Act The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obama care, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (an amendment to the ACA signed March 30, 2010) it represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the country’s healthcare system since the passage of Medicare andRead MoreEssay on Policy Proposal: Student Loan Default3338 Words   |  14 Pagesfellowships, and grants, student loans are an important method of financing post-secondary education. With tuition costs rising, more students are borrowing to pay for college education today. However, not all students realize the burden of paying back their student loans. Many are defaulting. Moreover, individual borrowers are not the only ones who face the consequences of the loan default. The federal government recovers around 80% of the total defaulted amount of student loans, losing billions of dollars

Friday, December 13, 2019

October Sky Free Essays

Michelle Thompson October Sky September 30, 2012 Professor Bejtlich The movie October Sky is about Homer Hickam who was inspired to build a rocket and never gave up until his dreams became a reality . Entrepreneurship is a career path that doesn’t always prove to be an instant success. Entrepreneurship is a field that involves determination, passion, vision, and the power to succeed. We will write a custom essay sample on October Sky or any similar topic only for you Order Now If there were anyone who can relate to these qualities, it would be Homer Hickam. Growing up in a small mining town called Coal wood, West Virginia. Homer is a teenage boy with only one future in sight; to work in the local coalmine like his father which he blatantly refused. However in October 1957, everything changes when the first artificial satellite, Sputnik goes into orbit. With that event, Homer becomes inspired to learn how to build rockets. Unfortunately, most of the town and especially Homer’s father felt that they were indeed wasting their time on trying to build a rocket. Only one teacher in the high school understood their Intention and their potential for growth and lets them know that they could become contenders in the national science fair with college scholarships being the prize. Using the qualities needed in an entrepreneur such as innovativeness, Homer displays them all and does it splendidly. Homer Hickam was a teenage boy from a mining town in West Virginia called Coal wood. He inspired to build rockets when he seen the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, streak across the stars. With his friends and the local nerd, Homer sets out to do just that but with many errors and trials his Creation was borne. Along with the town, Homer’s father thought they were wasting their time with their rockets. He wanted Homer to be a coal miner just like everyone else but Homer knew he didn’t belong there. As time went on, some people from town became interested in seeing the homemade missiles launch into the sky. The boys became popular and were known as the â€Å"Rocket boys† around town. Homer Hickam had to overcome many obstacles to get to where he wanted to be. He had to work around his father’s expectations for him to work in the mines. He had to push past his brother’s shadow to create his own legacy. Finally he had to overcome the expectations of growing up and working in the mines of Coal wood West Virginia. John is the manger so to speak of the Coal wood mine. He is a hard man with expectations for Homer to work in the mines and to grow up the same way as he did. He doesn’t like the fact that Homer is an exception to the other people in Coal wood. Homer doesn’t really think that his father cares about him or what he does with his rockets. There is a scene in the movie when John throws out all of his son’s rocket books and tools because he thinks it is a worthless â€Å"hobby â€Å"as he calls it. He finds his father does care about him and what he does by two things that happened. First, when Homer and his friends are building the launch pad, he asks his dad for some cement to use for the base. At first his father says no and then tells him there is some cement left over from a new driveway the company just built. Second, his father comes to watch Homer and the Rocket Boy’s last rocket, Homer lets his dad push the button to launch the last rocket. An Entrepreneur, according to Merriam-Webster, is one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. Though Homer Hickam doesn’t start to build his own company or firm, he does organize and manage his dream to build a successful rocket. Going through numerous metal tubes, fuses, rocket models, and launching sites, Homer and his friends worked together, despite the criticism and doubt from Homer’s father and the rest of the town. Homer and his friends began building a rocket for the science fair, and like entrepreneurs, went into the idea of taking a risk. None of the teens were guaranteed success, however; everyone still put forth so much effort. That in itself is admirable in any individual, especially entrepreneurs. Every person has a desire to be successful. However, many people do not possess the attributes that are required in order to be successful in their lives. Success is not something that is given to just anyone. Instead, success must be earned. Success does not come easy. Success requires a person to have determination in order to be successful. In the movie, October Sky, Homer was determined to reach his goals. Everyone and everything seemed to go against Homer, like any entrepreneur, Homer and his friends not only tackled the topic of risk, but also the idea of teamwork. When starting any new business, venture or idea that isn’t solo by taking this course in entrepreneurship I am increasing my chances for success by learning all the different ways of building and running a business by How to cite October Sky, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tunstall Tele-Health Solution Health Care Services

Question: Discuss about the Report for Tunstall Tele-Health Solution of Health Care Services. Answer: Introduction Tele-health is the set of processes and mediums to enable patients to receive health care services from a remote location rather than the traditional methods of timely visits to the health care unit. Tunstall tele-health also provides the health related services to the patients on a remote basis ("ICP telehealth solution", 2016). The solution that has been designed for Tunstall tele-health records the vital health signs of the patients for monitoring and remote health check-ups. Positioning Problem Statement The problem of Simple interaction and communication between the senior citizens of regional, rural and remote areas of central NSW and the health care professional or representative Coming up with an alternate solution to the mandatory visits for health check-ups and monitoring Keeping a track of the vital health signs affects Patients belonging to the older age group Health care fraternity the impact of which is Difficulties and issues that come up for the patients in availing the health care services a successful solution will be beneficial for the health care professionals and patients Product Position Statement For Patients especially belonging to older age group Who can avail health care services through the medium cloud based mobile application The Tele-health solution is a health care mobile based solution That will provide remote health services and solutions Unlike traditional practices in health care Our Product will allow quicker, reliable and always available health services Stakeholder Descriptions Name Description Responsibilities A Project Manager To provide project plan and review the activities along with resource allocation B Development Head To develop the cloud based health solution C Network Engineer To set up a network to implement the solution for users D Group of users - Patients To use the health solution by the patients User Environment The product will be developed in the development environment and will be released in the production environment. The entire task will be completed in duration of 3 months which will include the stages of Planning, Design Development, Implementation and Release. The project budget and the training manuals to be made available for the users might emerge as the constraints during the project. The application must be integrated with the network at the user end and the database for data storage. Product Overview Product Perspective The scope of the product is based on the development of the cloud based mobile health solution for patients with attractive capabilities and benefits of the tele-health for Tunstall (, 2016). Assumptions and Dependencies The project will be completed in the defined schedule and in the estimated budget. The equipment for developing the solution will be available with the team. Needs and Features The apt solution to solve the problem as stated above is to develop a cloud based mobile application that will allow the tablet computer interaction and will also overcome the need to visit the health care unit on a time to time basis. Following are the capabilities that will be offered by the solution. Need Priority Feature Planned Release Ability to keep a track of the vital health signs High The solution will welcome the member of the health plan and will ask him/her to login to the application by entering a unique id and password combination. The home page will display various basic health checks and will ask the user to enter the health related information such as weight, pulse rate, blood pressure, and height that will get recorded in the system (Dixon, Hooks, McGowan, 2016). Release 1 Ability to alert the health care professional in case of emergency or abnormality Critical Every health sign or record has a set limit or a range in the language of medical world. If the particular sign does not fall in between the range or crosses the limit, then the solution will send an alert to the health care professional with the details of the patient. Release 1 Ability to have face-to-face conversation with the health care professional Medium The feature of video conferencing will allow the patients to have a conversation with the designated medical expert to receive the medical advice. Release 1 Ability to view the medical feedback High As soon as the patient will save the basic health signs, a report will be generated for him/her to view then and there. A detailed report provided by the health care expert will also be made available on the portal containing the reviews and comments. Release 1 Ability to keep the medical data safe and secure Critical The solution will be backed by secure data storage to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and privacy of the personal health information of the patients (Webroot, 2016). Release 1 Alternatives and Competition There are a number of health care solutions for tele-health services and remote monitoring that are available in the market at present. It is necessary for the Tunstall tele-health solution to fulfill the following: It will enable the patients to receive superior quality health care services at their respective home locations without any trouble to visit the medical centres (Hjelm, 2016). The solution will also enable the medical centres and health care units to avoid the space requirements as these services can be provided by the health care professionals from any of the location. These services can be availed by the customer at any hour of the day with a non-stop availability. This would increase the level of trust that the patients have in the medical services and will also keep a check on the day by day health condition of the patient (, 2016). Other Product Requirements There are additional requirements in terms of the documentation that must be fulfilled by the project which are as listed below: Training Manual User Manual Installation Steps Online help for the common features References ICP telehealth solution. (2016). Retrieved 2 August 2016, from,. (2016). Vision and scope document outline. Retrieved 2 August 2016, from Dixon, B., Hooks, J., McGowan, J. (2016). Using Telehealth to Improve Quality and Safety. Retrieved 2 August 2016, from Hjelm, N. (2016). Benefits and drawbacks of telemedicine. Retrieved 2 August 2016, from,. (2016). Retrieved 2 August 2016, from Webroot,. (2016). Cloud-Based Mobile Device Security Streamlines Data Protection. Retrieved 2 August 2016, from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Evaluation of Services Offered by Hdfc Bank free essay sample

vices a bank provides are checking accounts, which can be used like money to make payments and purchase goods and services; savings accounts and time deposits that can be used to save money for future use; loans that consumers and businesses can use to purchase goods and services; and basic cash management services such as check cashing and foreign currency exchange. Four types of banks specialize in offering these basic banking services: commercial banks, savings and loan associations, savings banks, and credit unions. A broader definition of a bank is any financial institution that receives, collects, transfers, pays, exchanges, lends, invests, or safeguards money for its customers. This broader definition includes many other financial institutions that are not usually thought of as banks but which nevertheless provide one or more of these broadly defined banking services. These institutions include finance companies, investment companies, investment banks, insurance companies, pension funds, security brokers and dealers, mortgage companies, and real estate investment trusts. We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluation of Services Offered by Hdfc Bank or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This article, however, focuses on the narrower definition of a bank and the services provided by banks in Canada and the UNITED STATES. (For information on other financial institutions, Insurance and investment banking; and trust companies. ) Banking services are extremely important in a free market economy such as that found in Canada and the United States. Banking services serve two primary purposes. First, by supplying customers with the basic mediums-of-exchange (cash, checking accounts, and credit cards), banks play a key role in the way goods and services are purchased. Without these familiar methods of payment, goods could only be exchanged by barter (trading good for another), which is extremely time-consuming and inefficient. Many of today’s banking services were first practiced in ancient Lydia, Phoenicia, China, and Greece, where trade and commerce flourished. The temples in Babylonia made loans from their treasuries as early as 2000 BC. The temples of ancient Greece served as safe-deposit vaults for the valuables of worshipers. The Greeks also coined money and developed a system of credit. The Roman Empire had a highly developed banking system, and its bankers accepted deposits of money, made loans, and purchased mortgages. Shortly after the fall of Rome in AD 476, banking declined in Europe. The increase of trade in 13th-century Italy prompted the revival of banking. The moneychangers of the Italian states developed facilities for exchanging local and foreign currency. Soon merchants demanded other services, such as lending money, and gradually bank services were expanded. The first bank to offer most of the basic banking functions known today was the Bank of Barcelona in Spain. Founded by merchants in 1401, this bank held deposits, exchanged currency, and carried out lending operations. It also is believed to have introduced the bank check. Three other early banks, each managed by a committee of city officials, were the Bank of Amsterdam (1609), the Bank of Venice (1587), and the Bank of Hamburg (1619). These institutions laid the foundation for modern banks of deposit and transaction. For more than 300 years, banking on the European continent was in the hands of powerful statesmen and wealthy private bankers, such as the Medici family in Florence and the Foggers in Germany.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hamlet Essay

Hamlet Essay Hamlet Essay Many hundreds of years ago, William Shakespeare wrote what he thought to be a great fictional tragedy. He was right in one aspect, Hamlet did become on of his most successful plays ever written, it wasn't however as fictional as he might have believed. Many of the topics and ideas in this play reappear in our lives today.Hamlet likes to express his intense hatred towards his mother's new husband who is also his uncle. He makes it very clear that he thinks she made a horrible decision. This scenario reoccurs many times in today's society. Now that divorce is so prominent, the rate of second marriages has also increased. There are many times that the children involved don't like their new mother or father. Many times the parents take into consideration the thoughts of their children but in some cases, like that of Hamlet, the children aren't even thought of.English: 16th century illustration of The Spanish ...This caused a lot of anger towards the situation. He felt that h is mother was betraying his father by marrying his uncle. He was so upset about losing his father that he would have probably hated anyone his mother had married.One would think something that bothered Hamlet this much would eventually drive him mad but did it really? Hamlet was thought to have gone insane by Claudius and his fellow former schoolmates but was he actually as mad as he was perceived to be? It seems he had many reasons to be insane such as the death of his father, his mother marrying his uncle, the death of Ophelia, the fact that he had seen the ghost of his father and his constant need for revenge. His insanity was just a cover to hide what was really the problem, that he was burdened with extreme...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sociology 461 (400 level) - Philosophy of Arts 1st paper Coursework

Sociology 461 (400 level) - Philosophy of Arts 1st paper - Coursework Example There are many philosophers who have tried to define what art is but in this case, the essay will explore the perspectives of Immanuel Kant and Leo Tolstoy. The essay will show that even though the two philosophers have very different approaches to art, they do agree on its universality in that it transcends contexts. First, the definition of art will be discussed followed by how the philosophers judge art and lastly, conclusion. What is art? Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) defines art as â€Å"production through freedom† (Kant 182). This means that a piece of work must be ground on reason or rational considerations. As such, productions which develop without any rational considerations for Kant cannot be regarded as art but as works of nature. For example, the bees honeycombs though they seem well designed are produced through nature and not human design or action hence cannot be regarded as art. For Kant therefore, human intellect is crucial for a piece of work to be produced and be regarded as an art. Art is therefore a skill of human beings developed through experience or after several trials hence perfection. Art is also liberal in nature according to Kant hence does not need compulsion but free spirit (p. 183). Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) on the other hand, refutes this claim by Kant of art being the product of a rational mind and emphasizes on the role of emotions. For Tolstoy, art is an activity aimed a t conveying the feelings or â€Å"means of communication among people† (Tolstoy 37). In this case, the artist is given great importance in that he or she has to arouse feelings in people. Art is therefore, a human activity whereby one man consciously conveys to others, by certain external signs (movements, lines, colours, sounds), the feelings he/she has experienced (p. 37-40). The audience thus must be infected by those feelings and experience them otherwise the piece of work would cease to be an art. For example, a poem should

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Observational films - Corporation Documentary Research Paper

Observational films - Corporation Documentary - Research Paper Example Furthermore, in order to assess the personality of the corporation, there is a checklist employed which uses diagnostic criteria and standard tools of psychologists. These standards are applied to ensure that the organizational principles are human. But the organizational principles that are applied are highly self-interested, amoral, deceitful, and they breach the legal and social standards just to get the profits. The organization does not even suffer with guilt. â€Å"The Corporation† starts with a fast juxtaposition of familiar company logos and specific images, which supports the narration. And narration is giving you facts about the content. I realized that after the first couple of sentences my focus was so much on the visuals that the second time I watched it, I noticed I had missed some key information from the narrative. I understand that the filmmakers wanted to have gripping beginning and wanted to hit you with the important, interesting facts however I rather have something (visuals) that would allow me to think about the narration more. Also I would like the narration to be a bit slower. The bad apple metaphor is a good way to begin. It is a good example and preparation of what the documentary will sum up. It’s true that a big portion of the documentary is using archive footage to support the audio. Even though I found the selection of archival footage very specific and extraordinary, sometimes it gets a bit too literal. First time we see a face in the movie, it ends up with a good twist. The man (Ira Jackson) who is looking right at the camera (audience) finishes with a joke. This part gives you a brief break from all the â€Å"serious† stuff and hints out that this â€Å"boring† documentary about corporations will not be as tedious and boring as it seems to be. Besides having the subject looking right at

Monday, November 18, 2019

How HR Professionals Handle the Challenges Essay - 1

How HR Professionals Handle the Challenges - Essay Example Further, it would tell as to how these challenges should be dealt with by the professionals. It would take into view the Atkinson model of Job Flexibility and would tell as to what the professionals should do to provide the workers of the firm with a better working environment. The title of this paper is â€Å"The Challenges faced by the HR professionals when creating a better environment†. Flexibility in an organization refers to the provision of such principles and rules which provide its employees with an environment where they can easily balance their work and personal commitments like education, social activities, family relations, professional advancement and other leisure activities. The application of flexibility in the business depends on "securing lower labor costs, tighter manning levels, higher machine utilization, greater staff mobility and few interruptions and bottlenecks in production" (Blyton 1992, p.301 cited in Sheridan, Conway 2001 pp. 8). To understand the concept of flexibility Atkinson's model of flexibility is very useful and of paramount importance. He explains four kinds of flexibility, which firms may achieve, namely functional flexibility, numerical flexibility, pay flexibility and distancing flexibility. Functional flexibility is identified as a qualitative approach to work and talks about managements ability to organize and reorganize particular segments of the labor force on a broad variety of tasks in reply to market demand when needed (Sparrow 1998 cited in Teicher & Holland 2006 p. 241-242). The workers are given proper training in a broad number of skills in order to make its achievement certain. The unpredictable nature of consumer demands of the products makes this type of flexibility to continue in the market.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Prime TV, New Zealand Strategies for Customer Attention

Prime TV, New Zealand Strategies for Customer Attention introduction to media studies PART 1 Introduction Prime TV is one of the oldest news channels in New Zealand that has managed to gain a large customer share in the market. A lot of people get information and entertainment from this channels and the most important fact is that it has become so popular that today it is the â€Å"word of mouth† in the whole world. The following paper explains the strategies used by Prime to grab and retain customer attention. Question 1: The introductory title, music, graphics and images of the news are all designed in such a way that they tend to grasp the attention of the users. A strategy used by Prime to do this is to portray real pictures or real life experiences of people. This means that Prime is always interested in hearing from people what they saw or what they felt about a particular instance and then portraying the same thing to other users. Similarly, with regards to the graphics and visionary effects created by Prime, it is clearly visible that they are distinctive and attracting so that they can convince people to watch them. This holds true for all sorts of dramas, news, reality shows and other sport related programs. The example shows the use of distinctive graphics, catchy colors and striking illustration to grab viewer’s attention. Question 2: The number, appearance and style of the presenters are also designed in a unique way. Apart from the graphical and visual effects of news, Prime has also focused on the efficient way in which the presenters deliver those news to the users. The style, appearance and number of the presenters portraying the news have been designed in such a way that could give more authenticity, credibility and reliability to the news. This makes Prime more prominent than other similar channels in the same capacity. The major presenters are Eric Young, Alistair Wilkinson and Charlotte Bellis. All of them are from highly professional journalism backgrounds and then expression, their style of speaking, their postures, their gestures and their tone are all good enough to convince people to watch the news. Thus, it can be said that the strength of Prime is multidimensional. On the one hand, the news are designed in a perfect way to capture attention and on the other hand, the presenters have an excellent tone and expression. Both of these factors collectively add to the success of Prime and maintain its strong position among other competitor TV channels. Question 3: The language, vocabulary and general discourse used to describe various news events is highly distinguishable and unique. The headlines of the news are written in such a way that they grab reader’s attention instead of describing a general abstract which is already known to the public. This can be illustrated by using an example of news from TV3: â€Å"Silent Leadership channel coming up† This news creates some sort of curiosity and suspense among the readers and convinces them to click on and read the actual news. In the original description, TV 3 has used highly professional vocabulary and expression to portray what is expected to be the future of leadership. For example: the author of the news says that the aim is to change the present attitudes towards those people who are hearing impaired. After describing why it needs to be done, the news promoted a general discourse in such a way that by the end of this news description, the reader is convinced to change his mind towards charity. This means that the TV 3 or Prime news are designed in such a way that they become different and catchy in the beginning and descriptive and convincing in the end. Question 4: Sometimes, the viewers agree to the assumptions made by the news programs and thus, it can be said that these news programs are quite convincing for the people. An important factor that is used to convince people is appeals. There can be appeals to logic, appeals to character, and appeals to reasoning, emotions and so on and so forth. The examples of Prime show that in news related to sports and entertainment, usually the appeal to characters is used. This is done by giving description about some famous sportsman, some celebrity and so on. In the example related to leadership described in the above question, emotional appeal has been used by the news makers. The news describes that hearing loss is becoming quite common in New Zealand particularly in workplaces. The description of news tells about preventive measures to control this hearing loss by describing what would happen if precautionary measures are not taken. Thus, we can say that hearing is important for every person and hearing loss is a big disease and problem. Therefore; this news has targeted at people through using an emotional appeal which means that Prime and TV 3 are using appeals as a strong tool to convince people in certain direction. Thus, the above analysis indicates how Prime has maintained its strong position by gaining attention from a large number of customers in the market. Part 2 Campbell live is a New Zealand current affairs TV program which involves series of 30 minutes each. These short news programs are shown at 7p.m from Monday to Friday and their host is John Campbell. These documentaries follow a typical pattern or sequence of stories and discussions that are shown to the people. The prominent feature is that the host as well as other presenters make use of their efficient personal style and tone to make this show a great success. Some of the major presenters are Auckland, Jendy Harper, Dan Parker, Rebecca Wright and so on. Firstly, the topics selected for this show are different and attractive for the customers. After this, these topics are discussed and explored in such a way that they could provide maximum information and critical analysis to the people. The host himself adds to the credibility of the show. His style, tone and expression are such that he grabs attention of his viewers through discussion. His basic quality is that he promotes a healthy discussion and discourse among the competitors involved. Interaction is the best way to encourage discussion among the people. Thus, it can be said that by promoting interaction, John Campbell has made his program very popular and attractive for his viewers. Another important aspect is the structure of 30 minute program. From beginning to end, the whole program is designed in such a way that there exists a proper flow of information in the discussion. This structure is efficient in a single program as well as in the whole series from Monday to Friday 7 p.m. The Campbell Live consists of national as well international news. From a diverse range of topics for example: recorded stories, interviews, news material, events and happenings, current affairs and so on. Thus, it can be said that all of these factors collectively contribute towards the success of the program. This impact can be proved by exploring the following example: What does the future hold for legal highs? This show was displayed on the Campbell series of 28th April, 2014 which explains the impact of synthetic cannabis on the lives of people. This case study shows that the host as well as the presenters focused on communities and people throughout the country. The discussion showed that Campbell had travelled across the country to illustrate the examples he described in his show. The other presenters also gave their viewpoints on the subject in a proper sequence. Thus, it can be said that the narrative of this cases study was structured in a highly interactional way. This was not a one sided story rather an effort had been made to describe both sides of the story. It explains the impact on community as well as their reaction. Conclusion Thus, the above mentioned analysis indicates that Prime TV and News 3 have been highly focused in terms of their structure, style and portrayal of news. The use of strategies have been deployed according to the need and type of the news being described. Moreover, by using the case study example from Campbell Live, the paper also showed the role of presenters in the delivery of these news programs. Hence, it can be concluded that the way news is structured can play an important part in shaping the opinions and views of the people and society at large.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Old Age in An Old Mans Winter Night and Follower Essay -- Robert Fros

Old Age in An Old Man's Winter Night and Follower This poem has a very direct title which intices the audience to find out more and is very similar to that of a Hollywood movie and uses plain language. From the 1st line we can see the boy’s possessiveness of his father from the words â€Å"My† we also know it is referring to the past from the tense of the word â€Å"worked† we also find out that he works on a farm. In the next 3 lines we can see the poets admiration for his father by the way he talks about the size of the man â€Å"globed like a full sail strung† and his strength. We see that his father was a real expert at his job by the way he can control horses with his tongue, heaneys intention was to show us the mans expertise and how he was in full control, it also shows us how hard the horses were working for him. In the next stanza on the 1st line Heaney calls his father â€Å"an expert† then pauses for affect to let it sink in, this is to show us the mans power and also the pure admiration from his son. In the next 2 lines we are again told about how good he was at his job â€Å"sod rolled over without breaking† the language which is used almost makes it seem effortless for the man. In the next stansa we see Heaneys use of enjanment with a run on line â€Å"Turned around – And back into the land† which reflects the movement of the plough. In the 3rd line we can see his father â€Å"narrowed and angled at the ground† using only his skill, not instruments, this makes him appear very wise and we can see that the boy is once again admiring his skills. In the next stansa we can see how the boy is clumsy in comparison to his father â€Å"I stumbled in his hobnailed wake† we also see his clumsiness from the word â€Å"fell† in the... ...the old man and his quality of life. After reading both poems we are given 2 different views on old age by 2 different poets. In Robert Frosts a lot of pity is felt for the old age and the poet seems to be very concerned about the quality of life being lived by the old man, he sympathises with the loneliness and feels sorry for the old man. Heaney seems to have a quite a different view on old age and we almost feel as if he is annoyed at his father for not being able to care for himself now, he is frustrated that the man whom he always looked up to has now become frail and now follows him around opposed to when he was a child. Out of the 2 poems I prefer Robert Frosts â€Å"An Old Mans Winter Night† as I believe that it has much more meaning to it and it really gets into the life of the old man and gets sympathy from the reader and gets them involved.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Project Management Careers

Project Management Fall 2012 Search the internet for terms project management, project management careers, project portfolio management, information technology project management. Write down the number hits that you received for each of these phrases find at least 3 web sites that provide interesting information on one of the topics write a two page paper summarizing key information about these 3 web sites as well as project management institution’s Web site (www. pmi. org).Gant charts were dominantly used in the beggings of project management however in the 1950’s Entire jobs and professional careers were made around the idea of a â€Å"project manager†. Now in beginning of the 21st century technology has revolutionized the field of project management once again. My research and search results have shown that Project Management Jobs have sustained demand over the last 8 years compared to the general field of technology jobs which has seen steep decline since 200 4. Google Trends AnalysisOne of the articles I had read form InformationWeek was titled â€Å"Project management Gets Lean† (IT can't afford to do projects the old way. Lean project management gives a better picture of success or failure. ) In this article they explain a scenario where workers feel like projects are happening to them and not because of them. The article goes on to say that, Project managers can get so wrapped up in Gantt chars and forecasting that they often don’t look at the overall picture and this can lead to scope skewing or project failure.Managers have to start approaching projects as Participation over Compliance. Compliance makes everyone feel like a captive prisoner where was participation can give the individual the perception of being a part of the solution. It is staff attitude which often accounts for a projects success or failure. Also if a group does not understand a project is can often add confusion that may hinder the perceived succes s of an assignment. If at all possible it is best to keep it simple; adding complexity to the user is often not a requirement of a complex system.All users are not power users and do not require the grandiose system that upper users need. It is not a coincidence that Information Technology people often look to project management when they are interested in a career change. Both fields have Rigid deadlines, tight budgets, require careful planning, painstaking deployments all of which are common variables Information Technology and project management. It is difficult to classify a project as success for failure because most often projects in the IT field are never complete.As summed up in the article, the nature of IT means you are never done. Only when a project is a failure are you done. Having the ability to recognize failure is a skill that many project managers lack due to inflated ego. Figure A General Search Results Google Search ResultsProject ManagementAbout 691,000,000 resul ts   Project Management CareersAbout 138,000,000 results Project Portfolio ManagementAbout 84,200,000 result Information Technology Project ManagementAbout 190,000,000 results| http://www. nformationweek. com/global-cio/interviews/leaving-it-4-job-options-for-frustrated/232900489? queryText=project%20management http://www. informationweek. com/global-cio/personnel/project-management-is-finally-getting-re/227800091? queryText=project%20management http://www. informationweek. com/software/project-management-gets-lean/232600005? printer_friendly=this-page http://www. google. com/trends/explore#q=project%20management%20jobs%2C%20Information%20Technology%20Project%20Management;cmpt=q

Friday, November 8, 2019

3 Examples of Dangling Modifiers

3 Examples of Dangling Modifiers 3 Examples of Dangling Modifiers 3 Examples of Dangling Modifiers By Mark Nichol In each of the sentences below, the sentence has been constructed so that the noun or pronoun that a modifying phrase should refer to is missing, which may or may not cause reader confusion but definitely will distract, often because an inanimate object is mistakenly ascribed human agency, sometimes resulting in an unintentionally humorous reading. Discussion after each example explains the problem, and revisions demonstrate solutions. 1. Lifestyle enhancements are crucial if markets slide when approaching retirement. In the absence of the appropriate noun or pronoun identifying who is approaching retirement, the reader ascribes the impending retirement to the nearest noun or pronoun; here, the sentence refers to markets approaching retirement. To rectify this error, introduce the pertinent noun or pronoun before â€Å"approaching retirement†: â€Å"Lifestyle enhancements are crucial if markets slide when you are approaching retirement.† (The sentence can be further revised to â€Å"Lifestyle enhancements are crucial if markets slide as you approach retirement.†) 2. Social exclusion is inevitable when faced with mobility restrictions. Here, social exclusion is said to be faced with mobility restrictions. To revise the sentence so that it conveys the intended message, insert an explicit reference to who is faced with the restrictions: â€Å"Social exclusion is inevitable when one is faced with mobility restrictions.† 3. Youthful misdemeanors can come back to haunt you while job hunting. In this sentence, youthful misdemeanors are treated as actors in a scenario in which they take time out from their search for employment to carry out a function normally assigned to ghosts. But the correct interpretation is that while you are seeking work, mistakes you’ve made in the past may resurface during the vetting process, as expressed in the following revision: â€Å"Youthful misdemeanors can come back to haunt you while you are job hunting.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Greek Words You Should KnowAcronym vs. Initialism45 Idioms About the Number One

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

North Africa essays

North Africa essays In North Africa there is the country Algeria. Algeria is an interesting country because it is 99% Sunni Muslim. Christian and Jewish are the other 1%. They have only those three religions. Their Ethnic groups are Arab and Berber that equal 99%. European is less than 1%. They do not have as many ethnic groups as other countries in Africa do. They actually only have a small amount. They gained their independence in 1962 after an 8-year battle between them and France. The French owned them until 1962. There official language is Arabic but they also have Berber dialects and some French. The government of Algeria is republic just like most of the stable countries like us. The president of Algeria is Abdelaziz Bouteflika. He has been president since 1937 and is still going. Some of the major cities are Algiers the capital, In Salah, and Tamanresset is the other main cities there. There natural resources that most are exported are petroleum, natural gas, iron, phosphate, uranium, zinc. They have quite a few natural resources. The climate there is is really hot and arid. There landforms are the Atlas Mountains on the coast. Its 919, 590 square miles and is second largest country. Another country in North Africa is Egypt. Where all the pyramids are. Egypt is a very old country; it has been around a while. The interesting thing is they only have two religions that are Muslim and Coptic Christian. There ethnic groups are Greek, Nubian, American. They do have a few Americans, isnt that a surprise. They gained their independence 1922 from the United Kingdom. The worlds oldest civilizations. The climate in Egypt is hot and dry summers and moderate winters. The landform there is the desert. The natural resources are petroleum, natural gas, Iron Ore, and limestone. They also are the exports for there country. They speak three different languages Arabic, French and English. They do not have an official langue because they speak al...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Murder of President John F. Kennedy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Murder of President John F. Kennedy - Essay Example Although, many of them surfaced with slanted hypotheses and responses, there has been no exact ending of the assassination of JFK. In the course of their studies however, they have significantly subjected the way the Americans think what had occurred during the JFK murder through their prejudiced interpretation similarly. Past sequence of events whether published or in cinema cover same the features - as they all are prone to the analyses of the history writers; the explanations of the whole story and incidents; naming of the hero and villain; and they all are predisposed to the common reception of the public. That's why, any sequential part of storyline is helpless without a hodgepodge of representation (or the communication) and the reception (of the communication) by the public. In its place there are some logicians who are vigilantly prejudiced in the curiosity of the psyche of the publics. Therefore these theorists are more worried about the past exactness and portrayals of the historical incidents - they are the same who consider themselves that are in charge of bearing a "great civilization" to the next generations. The countless films and published stuff created by them not only have created the resources of knowledge of the past but also a support to accept the incidents they present as our right inheritance. They maybe named themselves as the "makers" of narrative accounts but how do we evaluate their alleged "genuineness" One of the leading ways to evaluate is to study expert views regarding a specific event and then ponder on the end results of it. For instance, in Mark C. Carnes (1995) "Past Imperfect", the author summarized this very reality by spelling out a variety of past episodes evaluated by professional views. He interviewed sixty two renow ned historians, press, and other establishment to remark on past movies that pat upon their field of skills. Convinced that past movies have become "a great storage area of past awareness in this U.S. of Amnesia," these professionals evaluate the movies' past exactness and scrutinize how their portrayals of past incidents and figures compare with modern historiography. However, through the professional views one can not only evaluate of the accuracy of the specifics represented in "selective past papers" but also whether the exact representation had strayed the interviewer's insight too. As said by Carla Rahn (Mark 1995, p. 60), though many academics have pursued the past stature of Christopher Columbus yet only the 1949 movie version by Frederic March looks like to fit the whole story relating to his personal life. In history movies therefore, past exactness is evaluated by the change in literary incident, transcendence of the legend into myth, analysis of the history as well as the strength of the history that may make the reality. Even though it's an observable fact that people who are not au fait with the history are liable to trust history writers to wean past information so as to re-enact the specifics and incidents (p. 64). Take the incident of JFK's murder for instance; several would believe that, Lee Harvey Oswald, is a psychopath and a nuts held guilty for JFK's shooting while there are others who are significant of the whole story and experiences adjoining the shooting. As David Lubin

Friday, November 1, 2019

Bob Dylan's folk music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bob Dylan's folk music - Essay Example This "Bob Dylan's folk music" essay outlines life of talented musician Bob Dylan and his development as an artist. His influence in music cannot be overestimated, he was outstanding in various fields and he significantly developed and expanded the musical scene in the sixties and later years with his innovative daring and liberal ideas. He shattered the notion that for one to be a vocalist, they must have what was traditionally considered a good or refined voice, up to today there are many who have criticized him for his rough voice. Nevertheless, this has not gotten in the way of his success and in any case it has made people listen past the voice to the words which are the real deal, there can be no doubt as to the fact that he radically redefined the vocalist role in popular music. He also ignited several music genres such as electrified folk rock and he is popularly believed to have been the force behind the Beatles introspective songwriting (Varga). Dylan is viewed by many as th e bona fide poet of the rock and roll era and a preeminent songwriter in modern day; he transcends various music genres exploring rock and blues, pop and folk. He has consistently managed to reach out to his fans through profound and sophisticated lyrics with a poetic flare that gives credence to his title of a poet which he, however, does not acknowledge. When Dylan ventured into folk, he was responding to the fact that he believed rock and roll despite its adrenal and pulse rushing effect was not particularly mature or meaningful.; therefore he decided to look for a genre in which his infinite poetic and lyrical depth could be accommodated. His entry in folk and country music radically changed the genre by making it more liberal and democratic; essentially he can be described as having toned down rock and roll giving it maturity and through his topical song writing, psyched up folk music. Consequently it was no longer the music of the middle aged and old timers who were often middle class sophisticates trying to search for authenticity amid the conformity that characterized the American suburban scene in the 50’s. According to Andy Gill (The independent) Dylan rescued folk music from a bunch or bearded guys in cable knit sweaters dreaming about becoming sailors and soldiers and opened it to the young and energetic generation t hat had previously disassociated from the genre preferring rock and roll. One of his most daring and radical changes was the introduction of the electric guitar to folk music, on July 1965, in front of a crowd of 10,000 fans at the Newport folk festival, he surprised them by plugging in a Stratocaster and went electric and this marked the start of a new era(Al Kooper, Gary and Seiji). In the same year he broke through to the pop music audience with his hit single â€Å"like a rolling stone†, which not only catapulted him to the second position on the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Electromagnetic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Electromagnetic - Research Paper Example It is sometimes used to bar radio frequency electro magnetic rays as well. This method is known as RF Shielding. Depending on the material and its physical properties such as size, shape, thickness, and the frequency of electromagnetic fields and even the orientation of the material vis-Ã  -vis magnetic field, the effects of magnetic shielding can be reduced or increased. We must note that magnetic fields are only redirected using these materials and not created or destroyed. This is because magnetic field lines are attracted into the material and kept from spreading out as they take the path offering the least resistance (Appleman and Dailey, 1974). The reason for this stems from Maxwell’s equation; Using one magnet, each of the three materials was brought closer to it. The idea was to see which ones are attracted and which ones are not. The former being classified as magnetic and the latter as non magnetic. Firstly, one of the neodymium magnets was brought closer to the other which was attached to the thread. The magnet visibly moved towards the other magnet and thus it was established that a magnetic field exists. Then the only non-magnetic conductor here i.e. Aluminium was placed between the two and then the neodymium magnet was brought towards the other. It was interesting to note that although the magnet on the thread did not come comparatively closer to the aluminium, it does exhibited an interesting phenomenon; as the magnet on the other side of aluminium was moved, so did the magnet on the thread. This means that although aluminum is non-magnetic, it does interact with magnets in other ways. Procedure and observations:The magnet was brought closer to the copper pipe. No force was experienced and both the magnet and copper offered no attraction. Thus, copper is deemed as non-magnetic. However, it cannot be used for magnetic shielding since the effects of magnet were seen on the other side of the copper as

Monday, October 28, 2019

Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Essay Example for Free

Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Essay In 1988, Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act establishing gaming on Indian reservations as a means of helping tribes become self-sufficient and less dependent on government dole-outs. Donald Bartlett and James B. Steele co-wrote an article which appeared in Time magazine on December 16, 2002 entitled â€Å"Wheel of Misfortune† negatively criticizing the consequences of instituting the said Act. A day later, the Native American Times published an editorial which contains dissenting arguments against the first article. According to Bartlett and Steele, the major defect of the Act is the unequal redistribution of profits derived from gaming in the reserves: â€Å"It gives billions of dollars to the white backers of Indian businesses and nothing to hundred of Native Americans living in poverty†¦hundreds of millions of dollars to one Indian tribe with a few dozen numbers—and not a penny to a tribe with hundreds of thousands of members†¦(78)† The bulk of the essay expounds and provides evidence to these assertions. It also points to the fact that while these tribes earn tax-free revenues, they continue to collect millions in government aid. The Native American Times editorial, meanwhile, accuses the Time magazine article as simply a piece that â€Å"fan the flames of racism with lies (â€Å"Indian Gaming† 84)† and proceeds to either refute or justify the points raised of the latter. Bartlett and Steele claim that only a few Indians are benefiting financially from the Native-American gaming industry thus defeating the purpose of the act, which is to raise the average Native American out of poverty. At the same time, a high percentage of the profits from these lucrative casinos go to the wealthy leaders of tribes. The editorial counters this argument by stating that there are varied reasons why some tribes do well than others. It cites the case of Oklahoma, home to more Native Americans than any other state. The state prohibits Class III gambling thus preventing an opportunity for the Native Americans in Oklahoma from realizing the Congressional Act. Today tribes continue to â€Å"fight with every resource available to them to hold off those who would send them back to the metaphoric reservation (â€Å"Indian Gaming 85). † The editorial also praises the success story of the Shakopee tribe which the Time magazine article derides. The success is well-deserved, according to the editorial, since this group has experienced one of the most harrowing histories of violence inflicted against Native Americans. For all its passionate defense and criticism of the Time magazine article, the editorial of the Native American Times does not touch on the other issues raised by the former like cronyism among the tribal leaders, the involvement of white Americans behind the casino operations, and the applications for recognition by extinct tribes that suddenly resurrects because of the business opportunity. Then again, the former is a lengthier and more detailed presentation complete with figures and facts, in keeping also with its being an investigative article. Nevertheless, it can be argued that the editorial does not need to refute the Time magazine article point by point and that its entire argument is summed up when the editorial writer states that the reason why people like Bartlett and Steele are being too critical about the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act is because â€Å"the thought of rich Indians is against nature we can only assume (85). Inequality, anomalies, and other issues about the Native American and their casinos may exist but they are no different to those in regular gaming industries. Despite some wealthy members, Native Americans are still the poorest and most victimized people in America.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Besires Theory is Fully Consistant with the Humean View Essay -- Ethic

Abstract One Humean view holds that motivation requires beliefs and desires, which are separate and distinct mental states. Beliefs are disposed to fit the world, and desires are disposed to make the world fit them. This view is thought to eliminate besire theory, according to which moral judgments have both a world-mind direction of fit by representing the ethical facts of the matter, and a mind-world direction of fit by motivating action accordingly. Here I argue that besires are fully consistent with the Humean view. The Humean view should be cast at the level of types, while besire theory is supported by introspection on psychological tokens. Existent Humean arguments against besires do not go through, and besire theory remains a viable option—indeed, the option best supported by the evidence—without rejecting the Humean view. 1 A Case for Besires According to the Humean view of motivation, beliefs alone cannot motivate. According besire theory,1 some first person moral judgments (judgments of the form ‘I morally ought to ÃŽ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢) are both belief-like and desire-like in that they represent things as they morally are, and motivate appropriate actions. For example, on besire theory my judgment ‘I ought to visit my grandmother in the hospital’ can both represent a factual moral obligation and motivate me to visit my grandmother without the help of some separate desire-type psychological state. Can besire theory be right? Not under the Humean view, for on that view besire theory mistakenly attributes motivationally hot, desire-like properties to a certain class of beliefs. It would seem that our options are highly constrained: either we embrace the Humean view, and characterize first person moral judgments as belie... ...o necessary connections between distinct mental state tokens, simpliciter internalism entails besire theory. 12 Shafer-Landau argues for a similar position, though he calls some beliefs â€Å"intrinsically† motivating. Shafer-Landau 2004, 147-48. 13 Only when we combine besire theory with an essentialist claim, for example, that no state counts as a besire unless it actually motivates, do we get the result that moral judgments necessarily motivate. This essentialist claim is too strong for any desire-type state, for even occurent, normal desires combined with relevant means-related beliefs can fail to realize their functional role. 14 One might think that the standard cognitive view of moral judgments evades the burden of showing how moral motivation fails, but thereby gains the burden of explaining the reliable connection between moral judgments and motivation.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Knights :: essays research papers

Knights   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the fourth century A.D. the Roman Empire fell and Europe was invaded by various barbarian tribes. One of the dominant groups was the Franks of central and western Europe, who gradually expanded their power until their leader Charlemagne became emperor of the West. Powerful local lords and their mounted warriors offered protection to peasants, who became their serfs in return. By the 11the century a new social order was formed my armored knights, who served a local lord, count, or duke, and were in turn served by serfs. When males were about seven, a boy of noble birth who was going to become a knight was usually sent away to a nobleman’s household, often that of his uncle or great lord, to be a page. Here he learned how to behave and how to ride. About 14, he was apprenticed to a knight whom he served as a squire. He was taught how to handle weapons and how to look after his master’s armor and horses. He even went into battle with his knight, help ing him put on his armor and assisting him if he was hurt or unhorsed. He learned how to shoot a bow and to carve meat for food. Successful squired were knighted when they were about 21 years old. Young men who wanted to be knights had to keep fit. So squires trained constantly to exercise their muscles, and improve their skills. They practiced with each other and also sometimes with their knightly masters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main body armor worn my early knights was made of mail, consisting of many small, liked iron rings. During the 12th century, knights started to wear more mail. Their sleeves got longer, and mail leggings became popular. A padded garment called an aketon was also worn below the mail to absorb blows. In the 14th century knights added steel plated to protect their limbs, and the body was often protected further with a coat-of-plates, made of pieces of iron riveted to a cloth covering. A suit weighed about 44-55 lbs. And the weight was spread over the body so that a fit man could run, lie down, or mount his horse unaided in his armor. The only problem was that the armor quickly made you hot. By the 15th century, knights were protecting themselves with full suits of plate armor. The armor’s smooth surface deflected the edges and points of weapons.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fear in Lord of the Flies Essay

Human are the most civilized species on this planet. However, what makes people act civilly is constantly questioned. This question is explored in William Golding’s novel, The Lord of the Flies. In the novel, the fragile state of civilization created by the boys is constantly pitted against the destructive force of fear which motivates the boys to desert their civilized upbringing and hunt first and finally become murders. When the boys land onto the island, they know there are no adults or parents around so they know they have to create their own civilization. The boys attempt to create a civilization by each one having a job. Additionally, they elect a leader; establish rules and consequences, use the conch one person at a time, hunt, and keep the fire going in a case ship passes by. Their civilization is fragile because of the age of the boys and the lack of parental maturity. Shortly the boy’s civilization isn’t working because they know that they can get away with things that they can’t get away with at home. For example, â€Å"Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life. Round the squatting child was the protection of parents and school and policemen and the law. Roger’s arm was conditioned by a civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins† (Golden 62). ————————————————- Despite the beauty of the Island, fear is all around them. The boys think that the â€Å"beast† is an animal on the island when it really is the beast within all of them. Simon finds out the beast is not an animal. The pig tells Simon that if he tells everyone that the pig is within all of them the pig is going to kill him. For example, â€Å"This is ridiculous. You know perfectly well you’ll only meet me down there-so don’t try to escape!† (Golden 143). ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- Jack quickly takes the most brutal job for himself jis explains â€Å"All, the same you need Army-for hunting† (Golding#32). This civilization is fragile because of the age of these little boys and there is no parental control.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Man Pushed to the Edge essays

A Man Pushed to the Edge essays I ask, is it possable for obsession, desperation, and tradgity to push a man over the edge of sanity to maddness? The film The Field, written/directed by Jim Shariden and produced by Noel Pierson, shows one man's obsession with his field causes many tradgic events to occur. McCabe, played by Richard Harrison, is obsessed over a field that has been in his family for years,that had been bought by an English lady from his father durring the potato famine. McCabe now rents that land from her to keep the land n the family. One of the main problems in the filmis that the widow decides to sell the farm by putting it up for aution. McCabe is fine with the autioning off of the land because he knows that no one in the village would take the chance and bid against him. A critic for the Desert Sun News remarks that "...the larger-than-life "Bull" McCabe, a bearish bully who has terrozied his tiny village-not to mention his family-for years"(Hicks). In other words "The Bull" McCabe has alot of pull in the village and no one dare to cross him. Though in McCabe's mind the land was already his, there was a quick reality check in store. An outsider, which they called The American, played by Tom Berringer, unknowingly bid against McCabe and The American was willing to double and bid that McCabe made. In some senses The American could be viewed as the villian in this story. His idea was to bring this small Irish villige into a nw age by cementing McCabe's field in a campain for Roads and Factories. I believe that the fact that The American is rather ignorant to the way of life of those in the village slightly sways him away from the villiness type, because he belived he was doing something good by helping the town progress. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Book review of Trust Us Were Experts by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber.

Book review of Trust Us Were Experts by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber. In an era of blatant disregard for journalistic objectivity, alleged vast right-wing conspiracies and the myriad books that attempt to enlighten the average citizen of the evils of corporate America, advertising, media bias and any form of sensible government, we have yet another boogey-man expos © by the editors of PR Watch: Trust Us We're Experts by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber.In the true spirit of "The X Files" and yellow journalism, Rampton and Stauber (a.k.a. Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully) set out to prove that behind every successful corporation in the United States, is an infinite network of diabolical wizardry attempting to "pull one over" on the innocently misinformed American public. In fact, by their account there is a conspiracy of public relations firms, billionaire sugar daddies and scientists for hire, all with one thing in common: their insatiable greed and disregard for the American public's best interest.United StatesThis idea of conspiracy is not new of course, the DNC and Clinton administration have been crying wolf since the Lewinsky scandal of 1998. This notion of conspiracy theory is basically an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. An act of conspiracy is exactly the way to describe American Communists and their fellow travelers, who did everything from infiltrating government to stealing the secrets of the atom bomb. Every now and again we hear about people who reveal insightful conspiracy theories that Wall Street is planning another depression, or that AIDS was an invention of the CIA to arrest the growth of the African American population.Trust Us offers examples ad nauseam of these sorts of conspiracy shenanigans, but essentially becomes a repetitive list of treacherous acts performed by some members of the PR industry. In short, the book is completely anti-corporate and almost entirely...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Elizabeth Carey

Lady Elizabeth Tanfield Cary, Viscountess Falkland Elizabeth (Tanfield) Cary is an important literary figure worthy of study in the 21st century because she was a rebel with a cause for women’s rights, especially within marriage; because she became a rebel with a religious cause; and finally, because she was the first Englishwoman to write and publish a drama, The Tragedy of Mariam (1613). Elizabeth (Tanfield) Cary was born in 1585, was the only child of Judge Sir Lawrence Tanfield (Weller), and was provided a strict but extensive education (Krontiris). Cary’s life was characterized by her constant struggle between the pressures of conformity and submission and an inner imperative to resist and challenge authority. Societal expectations of women at this time were that women were to be nominally educated, if at all. Women were to be quiet and meek, to be subservient to men in all regards, to be used as an asset when arranging marriages. Women were to be a beautiful ornament on the arm of their husband in society, to bear and raise his children, and were expected to have no thoughts or opinions on matters of politics or religion. Women had no power to choose their own futures, and were at the mercy of their parents in regards to education, and the choice of a spouse. Although Cary was raised within this environment, she dared to step outside the bounds of so ! cietal and gender expectations and undertook much of her own education, learning 5 languages, translating classical texts and writing verse (Weller). She married Sir Henry Cary in 1602. Subsequent to her marriage, her husband, a successful courtier was appointed Privy Councillor (1618), Viscount Falkland in the Scottish peerage (1620), and Lord Deputy of Ireland (1622). She bore him eleven children between 1609 and 1624; and continued to expand her education by reading continually in history, poetry, moral philosophy, and the Church Fathers (Beilin). ... Free Essays on Elizabeth Carey Free Essays on Elizabeth Carey Lady Elizabeth Tanfield Cary, Viscountess Falkland Elizabeth (Tanfield) Cary is an important literary figure worthy of study in the 21st century because she was a rebel with a cause for women’s rights, especially within marriage; because she became a rebel with a religious cause; and finally, because she was the first Englishwoman to write and publish a drama, The Tragedy of Mariam (1613). Elizabeth (Tanfield) Cary was born in 1585, was the only child of Judge Sir Lawrence Tanfield (Weller), and was provided a strict but extensive education (Krontiris). Cary’s life was characterized by her constant struggle between the pressures of conformity and submission and an inner imperative to resist and challenge authority. Societal expectations of women at this time were that women were to be nominally educated, if at all. Women were to be quiet and meek, to be subservient to men in all regards, to be used as an asset when arranging marriages. Women were to be a beautiful ornament on the arm of their husband in society, to bear and raise his children, and were expected to have no thoughts or opinions on matters of politics or religion. Women had no power to choose their own futures, and were at the mercy of their parents in regards to education, and the choice of a spouse. Although Cary was raised within this environment, she dared to step outside the bounds of so ! cietal and gender expectations and undertook much of her own education, learning 5 languages, translating classical texts and writing verse (Weller). She married Sir Henry Cary in 1602. Subsequent to her marriage, her husband, a successful courtier was appointed Privy Councillor (1618), Viscount Falkland in the Scottish peerage (1620), and Lord Deputy of Ireland (1622). She bore him eleven children between 1609 and 1624; and continued to expand her education by reading continually in history, poetry, moral philosophy, and the Church Fathers (Beilin). ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Killer Clown Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Killer Clown - Case Study Example However, on December 12, 1978, a teenage boy, Robert Piest was reported as missing by his mother with the information that he was offered a job by Gacy's contracting company (Lohr, 2001). The following day, the police searched his house and recognized the odor of a decaying body, but found none. They did, however recover relevant pieces of evidence. On December 22, 1978, he voluntarily confessed to the police that he raped then killed a minimum 30 people whose remains he buried under the crawl space of his house (Bell & Bardsley, n.d.). So the digging began. The police then uncovered the bodies of 29 people underneath the crawl space of his house (Montaldo, n.d.). All of his victims were male, whose ages range from nine to the early twenties (Montaldo, n.d.). He was then dubbed as the "Killer Clown" because of his perfected act as "Pogo the Clown" when entertaining kids (Montaldo, n.d.). His trial began on February 6, 1980, and was declared guilty of the murder of 33 people and was sentenced to die on March 13 of the same year. Finally, a little after midnight on May 10, 1994, John Wayne Gacy, Jr, the Killer Clown, was executed by lethal injection with the three last words "kiss my ass." (Lohr, 2001; Taylor, 2003) Analysis Psychological Characteristics John Wayne Gacy seemed to have led a normal life. He was successful with his professional life and popular among his friends and neighbors. However, beneath this faade of normalcy, lies a man who has raped, tortured, and killed 33 young men. Gacy aimed to please. Gacy was also a very determined and industrious individual who strived for success. He devotes himself to community organizations and is an exemplary member, if not a leader of these organizations (Bell & Bardsley, n.d.). He performs as a clown for entertaining children in hospitals and during parties, and hosts extravagant parties himself. To his friends and neighbors, John Wayne Gacy was a model citizen. Patterns Inferred About the Individual Gacy was a hardworking man. Hence, it is no surprise if he worked hard at keeping his marriage as well. However, it seems that after a few years of marriage, Gacy gets tired of keeping pretenses from his wife, and eventually his sexual preference is discovered by the wife. After these divorces, Gacy would recover and then strive harder in his professional and community life. Recovering from rumors was also a relevant pattern in Gacy's life. When there are rumors going on about his sexual preference and sexual deviances, Gacy would use his charm and wit to subdue the nasty rumors. Document Findings Behavioral Variables Gacy's father was a very strong figure in his behavioral outcome. Because of the prescribed drugs for his epilepsy, Gacy's mood swings were progressing, and he was becoming more and more dependent of the mood-altering highs that the drugs were giving him. Accordingly, his father became increasingly contemptuous toward his son, and called him names such as "he-she" (Giannangelo, 1996). Consequently, during his killings, he referred to his victims as "worthless little punks," and called his victims names like his father did

Friday, October 18, 2019

Local visual art event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Local visual art event - Essay Example The painting exhibits the use of simple colours and gentle contrasts only. On the other hand, Allemann has chosen to depict a number of elderly people in a park who are playing a game. Some people are shown playing while others are resting to the right side of the painting. The use of colours by Allemann is highly differentiated from that by Keefe. Allemann’s colours present stark contrasts and there are few areas where the colours merge into each other seamlessly (Herberger Theater). Keefe’s The Apple has been created on canvas using oil paints. In contrast, Allemann has composed her work using water colours on a canvas. While there are gentle transitions of colour in Keefe’s work, the transitions in Allemann’s work are far more articulate due to the use of water colours. The composition of Keefe’s painting reveals a choropleth of white and greys that surround an apple in the middle of the painting. The apple has been composed of various shades of red, yellow and green that tends to blend magnificently into each other indicating the artist’s inclination for detailed strokes. Another notable aspect is the use of gentle colours only that tend to blend into each other swiftly. There are no sharp contrasts available throughout the painting anywhere at all. Allemann’s approach to portrayal is markedly different from that of Keefe. The Finals depicts a number of elderly playing, standing and sitting in various areas of the painting. The people throughout the painting are dressed in white such that most people’s hair and skin have colours that have gentle transitions from white. Most people in the painting are painted as dressed in white with white hair while the few black hair produce sharp contrasts in colour. The background of Allemann’s painting has been created in dark greens and certain blacks that present a

This paper should persuade the reader that college students are full Essay

This paper should persuade the reader that college students are full adults and should be totally responsible for their morals, - Essay Example Students in college are of this age; hence, they should be responsible for their actions. At such an age, they should be morally upright, and reason before acting in a certain way. Many students have undergone the adolescence stage hence they are aware of their body reactions and the consequences if they do certain acts (Davis and Murrell). If one engages himself in immoral practices, there are consequences such as pregnancy or sexually transmitted maladies. One graduates to college after undergoing the lower primary education, therefore, he/she joins college to specialize in a dream career. In college, one is supposed to work hard to realize the career, and exemplify accountability for academic outcomes. A college student has an understanding, unlike toddlers who rely on their guardians to know what to do and who to follow. In many colleges, there are disciplines such as sociology and ethics which are meant to streamline student behavior. A student who is immoral or has bad behavior s in colleges is merely because of ignorance. Many students in college are irresponsible because there is no one to watch over them. Many travel distances to acquire education in far places. However, this does not mean there is no one to guide them in life: in many colleges, a dean of students is there to offer guidance. These dean deal with students affairs and they also advice a student who is stuck in a certain situation. Students have no right to behave irresponsibly because there is no one to offer guidance. All matters pertaining disciplinary cases in school are handled by the dean as they offer punish to correct the behavior. Additionally, in colleges, there are religious unions such as the Christian Union that offer divine support to students. Students should attend these gatherings to have good values and to be morally upright. These religious unions are open and they do not discriminate, hence, students should attend these gatherings. There are also peer counselors in coll eges who can offer advice to a student who needs advice on a matter pertaining life (Davis and Murrell). College students are viewed by the community as the leaders of tomorrow. A leader is one who is ethically upright, has complete knowledge of his actions, and is considered mature. The people from his hometown have high expectations of the student hence; one should act in a mature manner. He should also be responsible for his actions so as not to lose the faith the community has in him. After college, one has a dream of being employed in a reputable position. The probable employers are mainly the surrounding community, so a student should maintain a beneficial image. College students are often aware of irresponsible actions such as the usage of drugs. These drugs are responsible for some weird and unconstructive behaviors found in colleges. Through education, a college student should be edified to behave decently. Taking hard drugs leads to various defects in one’s body, wh ich may lead to some permanent or temporary changes in the human body. However, it is habitually the choice of the student to uphold uprightness and act as an adult. College students are entrusted with funds by their parents since they are considered mature (Davis and Murrell). A mature person is one who is trustworthy; hence, parents give students the full responsibility to coordinate their daily being. Students set up budgets to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Procedural Steps Involved in Bringing a Case to the Docket of the Supr Assignment

Procedural Steps Involved in Bringing a Case to the Docket of the Supreme Court - Assignment Example However, aside from the Clerk of the Supreme Court, who serves as a court clerk, there are also the law clerks of the justices. A law clerk assists the justice in making an opinion through research and the writing of recommendations. An example of a law clerk that is currently serving Supreme Court justice is David Morrell. He is a graduate of Yale and once worked as a clerk of Judge E. Jones of the 5th Circuit. The solicitor general represents that the interests of the federal government in the Supreme Court. The Constitutional authority for lawmaking is stated in the Article I, Section 1 of the US Constitution. This clearly states that it is the Congress of the United States that has the power to create laws. The Congress is composed of two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Both chambers have the power to initiate the legislative process, with individual representatives and senators having the right to push a bill. After it has been formulated, the House and Senate Committees which have jurisdiction over the bill’s nature would then study it before approving or disapproving it at their level. It is at the level of the US congressional committees that the markup of the bill is done. The markup of the bill is a process in which debates or deliberations carried out prior to the committees’ decision. After the concerned congressional committee has approved a bill, it goes to the next stage which is House body itself. However, this has to pass the House Rule s Committee, which has the responsibility determining how the bill is to be handled by Congress when it comes to schedules of sessions, framework, and boundaries of the deliberations. It is possible that there are two versions of the same bill coming from the House and the Senate respectively. If there are conflicting points between the two versions, a Conference Committee may be constituted. This is composed of senators and  house representatives who are proponents of the bill. Their objective is to make a final version of the bill.  Ã‚  

Green Capitalism and Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Green Capitalism and Leadership - Research Paper Example Industrialism and capitalism only proved that skyscrapers enriched the few but have caused poverty to about 1.2 billion (, 2011). Many nations are complaining poor access to potable water and urban communities are inhaling unhealthy air. Poverty have ill-motivated people to do and adopt measures beyond standards that caused calamities and disasters. World Watched documented about 120,000 people killed and unaccounted millions of people pushed in the margin of displacement, by war or by disasters (, 2011). In Asia, Japan recently suffered the devastation caused by tsunami after a magnitude of earthquake hit them while India and Pakistan complained of hunger and poor access to resources after they experienced political marginalization and floodings respectively. The inability of some government to develop land use plan and to enforce population control forced people to live in flood-prone valleys and vulnerable sites of the hills sides (, 2011; Wo rldWatch, 2011). World Watch also cited that climate change and consequential disasters incurred economic losses of $8.5 billion in Central America in 1998, an amount perceived commensurate to the combined gross national products of Honduras and Nicaragua (WorldWatch, 2011). There were however positive actions that motivated hundred of nations to partake ecological protection and measures for rehabilitation, reconstruction and rebuilding of affected communities. United Nations bodies have also started advocating for the use of renewable energies, organic farming, reforestration, vegetarianism as well as of green policy development (WorldWatch, 2011). It called all diverse nations to take part in healing nature and lessen the impact of global warming. This prospect challenge United... Green economy is an emerging environmental philosophy focused on climate change issues and about green career challenges. Green Economics, as a political framework, provides a holistic context of reality that human beings are part of nature and thus must recognize our difference, diversity, equity and inclusiveness as a community. It debunked the concept of anthropocentrism and liberal capitalism as a system. Its philosophy is founded on managing economy for nature and manage the environment. As a philosophical precept, it thoroughly evaluated the inconsistencies, deficiencies, conventions, and other normative thoughts amongst neo-classical economists. Green economy values ecological foundations and its relations with resources, work, wealth and money. It proposes a discourse that questions the conventional market viz-a-viz ecological sustainability, social justice, and peace. It establish an agenda by examining global political economy; regulating market and the state; and evaluate the transition to an alternative economy with special concern of ensuring habitable planet for the next generations. Profit, prices, market and competition are not regarded in the ecology philosophy. Its basic precept is to meet needs and not to increase powers of the capitalists in the market.